Page 67 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
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Service Enhancement Presentations                                                     HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Poster Presentations
F-P6 Managing Service Demands

Location Name           Post                  Institution                     Topic of Presentation

F-P6.18  LAI Pui-yan    Resident              Department of Family            Audit on Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Results
                                              Medicine and Primary Health     Performed by Family Physicians in Kowloon West
                                              Care, Our Lady of Maryknoll     Cluster

F-P6.19  LAM Kuen       Associate             Cheshire Home, Shatin           Five-year Analysis of Bacteriology in a Long-term
                        Consultant                                            Care Hospital

F-P6.20  LAM Mei-chun   Registered Nurse Accident and Emergency               Shorten The Triage Category Three Waiting Time to
                                                  Department, North District  Meet the Pledge Target

F-P6.21  LAM Yuen-ha    Physiotherapist I     Department of Physiotherapy, Introducing a Prediction Model for Discharge
                                              Queen Mary Hospital             Destination for Patients with Total Knee Replacement
                                                                              In Queen Mary Hospital

F-P6.22 CK LAU          Consultant            Department of Medicine,         Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy in
                                              Tseung Kwan O Hospital          Department of Medicine of Tseung Kwan O Hospital

F-P6.23  LAU Wai-man    Advanced Practice General Adult Psychiatry,           The Implementation of Relapse Prevention
                        Nurse                 Castle Peak Hospital            Programme to Female In-patients with Substance
                                                                              Abuse Problem

F-P6.24  LEE Lap-yip Larry Associate          Emergency Department,           Geriatric Consultation in Emergency Department —
                                  Consultant  Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole    Facing the First 10-Year
                                              Eastern Hospital

F-P6.25  LEUNG Tak-wai Advanced Practice Department of Medicine,              Promoting Quality Initiatives: Introduction of
         Janet          Nurse                 Tseung Kwan O Hospital          Structured Multidisciplinary Education Programme
                                                                              for Pre-dialysis Patients

F-P6.26  LEUNG Siu-kei  Advanced Practice Personalised Care Programme Programme Evaluation of Using Recovery-Oriented
                        Nurse                 (Mong Kok /Sham Shui Po         Case Management Outreach Practice for the
                                              District), Kwai Chung Hospital Persons with Severe Mental Illness in Personalised
                                                                              Care Programme

F-P6.27  LUK Man-hei    Associate             Department of Family            How Can a Family Physicians-led Triage Clinic Help
         Matthew        Consultant            Medicine and Primary Health Reducing Urology Clinic Referral for Male Patients
                                              Care, United Christian Hospital with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms?

F-P6.28 MAK Mei-yi      Ward Manager          Nursing Services, Pamela        Reducing Accident and Emergency Attendances
                                              Youde Nethersole Eastern        through Primary Care and Community Nursing
                                              Hospital                        Partnership Based on Tele-consultation and Shared
                                                                              Protocols in Hong Kong East Cluster

F-P6.29 NG Hon-wah      Senior Medical        Accident and Emergency          A New Care Model for the Management of Syncope
                        Officer               Department, United Christian    Patients

F-P6.30 NG Ka-shing     Registered Nurse Department of Surgery, Prince Multidisciplinary Team Meeting for Patient
                                              of Wales Hospital               with Thoracic Aortic Disease: A Nursing Case
                                                                              Management Approach

F-P6.31  NG Sheung-ching Associate            Department of Medicine,         Enhancing Palliative Care Delivery in Acute Setting
                                  Consultant  Haven of Hope Hospital          by a Cross-hospital In-patient Consultative Service

F-P6.32  NG Vanessa     Associate             Department of Medicine and Fast Track Diabetes Service to Reduce the Accident
         Wan-sze        Consultant            Therapeutics, Prince of Wales and Emergency Department Attendance Rate Due to
                                              Hospital                        Diabetes Related Medical Problems

F-P6.33  NG Yuen-bing   Department            Department of Medicine and      Managing the Service Demand of Autologous
                        Operations            Geriatrics, United Christian    Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Service
                        Manager               Hospital

F-P6.34 HL NGAN         Nurse Consultant Nursing Service Division,            An Innovative Collaboration Service Model:
                                                  United Christian Hospital   Enhanced Wound Care Programme for Non-
                                                                              ambulatory Discharged Patient

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