Page 70 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
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HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016  Service Enhancement Presentations

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    F-P7 Committed and Happy Staff

                                    Location Name           Post                      Institution                      Topic of Presentation

                                    F-P7.18  LAM Wai-yuen   Manager                   Critical Incident Psychological  Critical Incident Psychological Services: A New Care
                                             Paul                                     Services Centre, Kowloon         Model for Hospital Authority Staff
                                                                                      Central Cluster

                                    F-P7.19  LAM Pui-kwan   Systems                   Information Technology           IT Service Catalogue: A Continuous Improvement
                                             Queenie        Manager                   Department, Princess Margaret Strategy in Supporting Hospital IT Services

                                    F-P7.20  LAU Ching-man Registered                 Department of Surgery,           CARE Stretching Exercise Programme for All in an
                                                                      Nurse           Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin      Acute Surgical Ward 每更運動十分鐘 舒筋活絡要放
                                                                                      Hospitals                        鬆 受傷勞損可操縱 愉快工作樂其中 Stretch! Stretch!
                                                                                                                       Stretch! Fit and Smart.

                                    F-P7.21  LAU Carrie     Ward Manager Operating Room, United                        Enhancing Acupuncture Needle Safety by Workflow
                                                                                    Christian Hospital                 Modification with Acupuncture Needle Containers

                                    F-P7.22  LAU Pui-pui    Advanced                  Respiratory Medicine -           Committed and Happy Staff Engagement with Talent
                                                            Practice Nurse            Extended Care, Kowloon           in Aerial and Plane Photography and Videography
                                                                                      Hospital                         to Conduct a Motivated Life Coaching Programme
                                                                                                                       for Spinal Patient Empowerment Under Multi-
                                                                                                                       disciplinary Collaboration

                                    F-P7.23  LAU Sau-lai    Advanced                  Department of Pediatric and      A Stretching Exercise Pilot Programme for
                                                            Practice Nurse            Adolescent Medicine, United      Healthcare Assistants to Enhance Their Physical and
                                                                                      Christian Hospital               Mental Well-being at Work

                                    F-P7.24  LEUNG Yuk-yee  Department                Accident and Emergency           The Pathway of Succession Plan to Develop
                                             Helen          Operations                Department, Pok Oi Hospital      Talent Pool Taking Up the Key Nursing Positions
                                                            Manager                                                    as Vice-Chairperson of Department Management
                                                                                                                       Sub-committees in the Accident and Emergency
                                                                                                                       Department of Pok Oi Hospital

                                    F-P7.25  TF LEUNG       Advanced                  Operating Room, Department of    Operating Room Occupational Safety and Health
                                                            Practice Nurse            Anaesthesiology, Pain Medicine   Project: Reduce the Risk of Handling Clinical Waste
                                                                                      and Operating Services, United   Water, by Using the Hong Kong’s First Introduced
                                                                                      Christian Hospital               New Generation Waste Water Management System
                                                                                                                       in Operating Room

                                    F-P7.26  MOK Lai-fong   Nursing Officer           Accident and Emergency           Is Cognitive Behavioural Stress Interventions
                                             Annie                                    Department, Tseung Kwan O        Effective in Improving the Health among Nurses? A
                                                                                      Hospital                         Systematic Review

                                    F-P7.27  NG Yin-ha Gloria Advanced                Department of Surgery, Prince    Standardisation of Stoma Care Education
                                                                      Practice Nurse  of Wales Hospital                Programme for Nurses to Enhance Competence in
                                                                                                                       Colorectal Surgical Unit of Prince of Wales Hospital

                                    F-P7.28  NG Kelly       Ward Manager Department of Surgery, Princess A Study on the Training Needs of Junior Nurses in
                                                                                      Margaret Hospital                Princess Margaret Hospital

                                    F-P7.29  PANG Yuk-kam Advanced                    Surgery Department, Queen        “Discovery Channel!” The Surgical Nursing Journal
                                                            Practice Nurse Elizabeth Hospital                          Club and Newsletter!

                                    F-P7.30  POON Wai-yee   Senior                    Physiotherapy Department,        Environment Ambassador Programme in
                                             Margaret       Physiotherapist Queen Elizabeth Hospital                   Physiotherapy Department Promotes Safety and
                                                                                                                       Efficiency with Enhanced Staff Engagement

                                    F-P7.31  SHIU Wing-ho Resident                    Department of Family Medicine Ways to Enhance the Influenza Vaccination Rate
                                                                                      and Primary Health Care, United Among Healthcare Workers in a Staff Clinic
                                                                                      Christian Hospital

                                    F-P7.32  SIU Heung-wing Registered                Department of Medicine and       Correlation of Workplace Violence and Insomnia
                                                                      Nurse           Geriatrics, United Christian     Among Nurses in Hong Kong

                                    F-P7.33  SO Hang-yin    Advanced                  Department of Paediatrics,       A Self-learning Method to Engage Nurses
                                                            Practice Nurse Kwong Wah Hospital                          Continuous Education

                                    F-P7.34  SO Tsz-wah     Senior                    Department of Occupational       A Participatory Approach in Fostering the Safety of
                                             Patrick        Occupational              Therapy, North Lantau Hospital Working at Height — Experience Sharing from North
                                                            Therapist                                                  Lantau Hospital

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