Page 71 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
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Service Enhancement Presentations                                                       HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Poster Presentations
F-P7 Committed and Happy Staff

Location Name           Post             Institution                     Topic of Presentation

F-P7.35  SZETO Rachel   Advanced         Department of Surgery,          Self Scheduling of Nursing Roster in Female Surgical
                        Practice Nurse   Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin     Ward

F-P7.36  TAM Chun-man Registered         Department of Medicine, United Utilisation of iPad for Patient Orientation to Increase
                                  Nurse  Christian Hospital              Patient Satisfaction through Staff Engagement

F-P7.37  OM TAM         Ward Manager Surgery Department, Queen           Streamline the Workflow of Transport of Patient from
                                                Elizabeth Hospital       Surgical Wards to Operation Theater

F-P7.38  TANG Lap-nin   Advanced         Department of Medicine and      Quality Enhancement Programme — Simulation
                        Practice Nurse   Geriatrics, United Christian    Training of Manual Handling on Delirious Patients
                                         Hospital                        with Violent Behaviours in Acute Geriatric Setting

F-P7.39  WL TSANG       Registered       Surgery Department, United      Surgical Nurses’ Attitude Towards End-of-life Care in
                        Nurse            Christian Hospital              United Christian Hospital

F-P7.40  WAI Nga-ting   Registered       Department of Clinical          Healthy Staff Programme — Health Preservation “ 養
                        Nurse            Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital     生”

F-P7.41  L WONG         Advanced         Clinical Departments - Surgery  Cancer Case Manager Initiated Problem Solving
                        Practice Nurse   (Breast Surgery), Queen Mary    on Decision Making in the Multidisciplinary Team:
                                         Hospital                        Delivering Care for Breast Cancer Patients Who
                                                                         Refused Treatment

F-P7.42  WONG Yin-ling  Ward Manager     Department of Ophthalmology     Lean Redundancy to Achieve Better Outcome! Lean
                                         and Visual Science, Prince of   Medical Record Counting Process to Save >Two
                                         Wales Hospital                  Hours/Day in Eye Specialist Outpatient Department

F-P7.43  YAU Lai-mo     Associate        Department of Family Medicine To Maximise the Capacity of Our Workforce through
                        Consultant       and Primary Health Care, United Multidisciplinary Work Rehabilitation for Staff with
                                         Christian Hospital              History of Cancer

F-P7.44  YEUNG Wing-    Advanced         Surgery Department, Queen       Efficacy of Occupational Safety and Health
         chiu           Practice Nurse Elizabeth Hospital                Workplace Walkthrough Audit: The Way to Quality
                                                                         and Safety

F-P7.45  CH YIP         Deputy           Department of Medicine and      A Proactive-focused Occupational Safety and Health
                        Department       Geriatrics, Princess Margaret   Enhancement Programme in Reducing Manual
                        Operations       Hospital                        Handling Operation-related Injury-on-duty
                        Manager and
                        Ward Manager

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