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Programme by Day                                                                                                     HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

                               Tuesday, 19 May 2015 | Room 221

09:00 – 10:15  Service Priorities and Programmes 5 – Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations         SPP5

10:15 – 10:45  Chairpersons:	Prof Andre KUSHNIRUK
10:45 – 12:00                   Director, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, Canada

               	 Mr WW TSANG
                                Hospital Chief Executive, St. John Hospital and Cheshire Home, Chung Hom Kok, Hong Kong

               SPP5.1	 HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND) Clinic — Early Detection of HIV-associated Neurocognitive Disorders/
                         CHAN I et al.

               SPP5.2	 Two-year Gross Motor Outcome of Very Low Birth Weight Infants/HO YB et al.
               SPP5.3	 Crisis Accommodation Programme for Ketamine Abusers in Bridging the Gap between Treatment and Rehabilitation for

                         Abstinence from Ketamine Use/KO FSL et al.
               SPP5.4	 Non-endoscopic Minimally Invasive Thyroidectomy with Minimally Invasive Anaesthesia: Results of a Local Regional

                         Hospital/TSUI KP et al.
               SPP5.5	 Occupational Therapy Inpatient Enhancement Programme “My Recovery, My Action”, a Recovery-oriented Practice for

                         Patients in Acute Psychiatric Wards: One Year Evaluation/LEE WK et al.
               SPP5.6	 Road to Wellness: Review of “Movement with Music Programme” for Elderly with Depressive Symptoms in Psychogeriatric

                         Day Hospital/LO PYK et al.
               SPP5.7	 Effect of Health Qigong in Enhancement of Functional Ability for Person with Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain:

                         Preliminary Results/WONG HY et al.

               Speed Presentation (Room S222-S227)

               Tea Break

               Service Priorities and Programmes 6 – Managing Service Demands                              SPP6

               Chairpersons:	Prof RB MOHAMED
                                Consultant Hepatologist, University Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia

               	 Dr David LAM
                                Hospital Chief Executive, Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals and Tung Wah Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong

               SPP6.1	 A Casemix Analysis of Long Stay Extended Care Patients: Insight for Subacute Management Care Plan/CHAN HLI
               SPP6.2	 Early Return-to-work Programme for Young Cardiac Patients: The Preliminary Results/CHU WY et al.
               SPP6.3	 Service Enhancement for Diabetic Foot Patients with a Structured Screening and Educational Programme/KWONG WF et al.
               SPP6.4	 Better, Faster, Safer Workflow in Pharmacy/CHIANG SC et al.
               SPP6.5	 Lean Management for Aids Loan Service of Occupational Therapy Department in Shatin Hospital/NG TH et al.
               SPP6.6	 A Study on Impact of Clinical Pathway Implementation and Setting up of Joint Replacement Centre on Service Quality in

                         Kowloon Central Cluster/SO HKE et al.
               SPP6.7	 How Domiciliary Occupational Therapy Fill the Gap of Existing Community Services for Frail Elderly — a Retrospective

                         Review/LAM R et al.

12:00 – 13:15  Lunch
13:15 – 14:30
               Service Priorities and Programmes 7 – Committed and Happy Staff                             SPP7
14:30 – 15:45
               Chairpersons:	Dr KT TOM
15:45 – 16:15                   Hospital Chief Executive, Tseung Kwan O Hospital, Hong Kong
16:15 – 18:30
               	 Ms Margaret TAY
                                Hospital Chief Executive, Grantham Hospital, Hong Kong

               SPP7.1	 Eliminating Unsafe Acts at Work — Behaviour-based Safety Programme/CHAN Y et al.
               SPP7.2	 Improved Quality and Efficiency of Patient Care and Enhanced Staff Engagement through a Collaborative Process — Ward

                         Renovation/CHAN MKC et al.
               SPP7.3	 Workplace Harmony — Multidisciplinary Programme for Anti-workplace Violence/LEUNG HK et al.
               SPP7.4	 Developing Sustainable Workforce in Supporting Services through People Management Team Building/NG SM et al.
               SPP7.5	 Enhancement in Storeroom Management by “Safe, Effective and Efficient” Method in Physiotherapy Department of Tseung

                         Kwan O Hospital/NGAN KTS et al.
               SPP7.6	 Disability Management Programme in Hospital Domestic Services Supporting Unit/WONG KCM et al.
               SPP7.7	 Work Ability among Staff in Hong Kong East Cluster of Hospital Authority in Hong Kong/WONG MS et al.

               Service Priorities and Programmes 8 – Young Hospital Authority Investigators Presentations  SPP8

               Chairpersons:	Dr William LO
                                Hospital Chief Executive, Kwai Chung Hospital, Hong Kong

               	 Dr TC WONG
                                Hospital Chief Executive, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital, Hong Kong

               SPP8.1	 Effects of Different Tilting and Reclining Seat Positions on Interface Pressure in Non-ambulant Individuals/CHAN WS et al.
               SPP8.2	 A Prospective Randomised Study in Comparing the Effects of the Combined Use of Wrist Extension Splint and Tennis Elbow

                         Band with Tennis Elbow Band for Patients with Lateral Epicondylitis/HO HTI et al.
               SPP8.3	 MicroPulse Laser Trabeculoplasty for the Treatment of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma/LEE JWY et al.
               SPP8.4	 Using Self-prepared 2% Chlorhexidine Impregnated Cloths for Bed-bath in Intensive Care Unit/NG NM et al.
               SPP8.5	 A Clinical Trial on Evaluating the Effectiveness of Vasopneumatic and Conventional Cryotherapies on Fracture Ankle Cases/

                         NG PH et al.
               SPP8.6	 Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Stroke Patients — a Controlled Clinical

                         Trial/WONG KH et al.
               SPP8.7	 Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Clinical Pathway — Does It Save Lifes?/WONG KL et al.

               Speed Presentation (Room S222–S227)

               Poster Viewing

               Tea Break

               Presentation of Awards and Closing Ceremony (Convention Hall)

               Presentation of Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Display Awards
                     Presentation of HA Outstanding Staff and Teams Award 2015

               Information as at 28 April 2015. Please check the latest directory at the venue.                                                     27
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