Blood donation, finding way and shopping made easy with apps
Staff e-welfare card is now available on the well-liked HR App. Simply show the e-welfare card on your mobile to enjoy discount at designated shops! Another new feature is the HA Chat which allows colleagues to send and receive text messages, audio messages and images under safe cyber environment and enhance work efficiency. Download it now at http://hachat.home/installation.html?menu=Y!
The application of Kowloon Hospital provides location guide and photos, as well as information on transport, hospital map, visiting hours and directory of buildings on hospital premises. You won’t get lost in the hospital anymore. In addition, the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) developed an app ‘HK Blood’ that allows donors to make blood donation appointment, look up donation history, get reminders for upcoming donation date, and receive the latest news of BTS.
Promotion video of HK Blood

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● Blood donation, finding way and shopping made easy with apps
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