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Tin Shui Wai Hospital (TSWH) is the fifth hospital member of the New Territories West Cluster.
TSWH has commenced service by phases since January 2017, and currently provides various hospital services including 24-hour Accident & Emergency services, specialist outpatient clinics, renal dialysis unit, allied health departments, diagnostic radiology department, pharmacy and community nursing service, etc.
Construction of TSWH commenced in the first quarter of 2013 and was accomplished in September 2016. The floor area of TSWH is 59,000 square meter. There are more than 300 beds comprising emergency care, rehabilitation, convalescent, palliative care and day beds. The design with glass curtain walls brings natural light into the hospital. There are podium gardens on some floors as a green feature to create a lively healing environment.
Under the development of “Smart Hospital” project in the Hospital Authority, TSWH is one of the pilot hospitals. The hospital has introduced various innovative technologies, systems and facilities to optimise the patient workflow, as well as to improve the service quality. Some of the programmes include e-AED, paperless in wards, tele-care consultation and robots team to relieve workloads.
Specialist Out-patient Clinics
Specialist Outpatient Department provides services of Medicine and Geriatrics, Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Surgery, Family Medicine, Clinical Oncology and Endocrinology Nurse Clinic (diabetes services).
Renal Dialysis Unit provides comprehensive and patient-centred care to end-stage renal failure patients who require renal replacement therapy including both haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
Allied Health Services
Allied Health departments provide services of Dietetics, Speech Therapy, Medical Social Services, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, Prosthetic & Orthotic, Pharmacy, Clinical Psychology and Patient Resources Centre.