Whole plant.4
Supportive treatment. Correction of fluid and electrolyte disturbances.5
Shrubs, 0.5–2 m or taller; branches reddish brown. Leaves opposite, papery to thinly leathery; leaf blades 1.5–5 × 0.5–1.5 cm, glabrous and yellowish green on both surfaces, lateral veins dense. Capitula terminal. Calyx tubular, 0.7–1.2 cm long, yellowish green; lobes 4, about 0.3 cm long. Drupes 0.7–0.8 cm long, red to dark purple when ripe.8
Uses in TCM—branches and leaves: clear heat and remove toxin, resolve phlegm, disperse swelling and dissipate binds, relieve pain; roots or root bark: clear heat and remove toxin, induce diuresis, dissipate binds and eliminate stasis, resolve swelling and relieve pain, kill parasites. Recommended dose: branches and leaves 6–9 g, roots or root bark 10–15g.2,9,10