Whole plant.3
Supportive treatment.
Perennial herbs, 30–70 cm tall, stoloniferous. Stems and branches pubescent. Leaves opposite; petioles 1–3 cm; leaf blades 3–7(–10) × 2.5–4 cm, margin crenate. Verticillasters raceme‑like terminal and axillary, 3–7 cm long, viscous. Corolla white, pink tinged with blue, 6–8 mm long; limb 1‑lip-like. Nutlets about 1.3 mm long.8
Whole plant used in TCM: cool blood and stanch bleeding, disperse swelling and remove toxin. Recommended dose: 15–30 g.2,9
In 2008, a 51-year-old woman presented with nausea, vomiting, tea-coloured urine and hepatitis after consuming T. viscidum prescribed by a Chinese Medicine practitioner for low back pain for 3 days. Her liver function gradually normalised in 2 months.3
Teucvin can be detected by GC-MS.3