Page 36 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
P. 36


                                                A              Financial Report

                                            The Cluster achieved a surplus of 1% for the financial year of
                                            2019/20.  Significant events that occurred during the year are
                                            set out below:

            Service Growth and Annual Plan                        Expenditures

            Patient activities decreased by around                Manpower
            4% compared with last year primarily                  Cluster’s manpower increased from
            due to COVID-19 outbreak.  The Cluster                12,490 to 12,940 in terms of Full-time
            implemented a number of new programs                  Equivalent (FTE) in comparison with
            totaling approximately $467 million
            supporting the Hospital Authority (HA)                2018/19.  Majority of the 4% increase was
                                                                  related to nursing and supporting staff.
            Strategic Plan.
                                                                  During the year, the Cluster has recruited
                                                                  102 doctors, 333 nurses, 137 allied health
                                                                  professionals and along with other new
            Patient Income                                        intake.  There were 82 doctors and 272
                                                                  nurses recruited from graduate intake in
            Total patient income increased to $820                2019/20.
            million (2018/19: $804 million).  The net
            increase of $16 million was primarily                 Drugs
            related to the increase in use of self-               Drugs expenditures increased to $1,355
            financed items to $426 million (2018/19:              million (2018/19: $1,246 million).  The
            $391 million); net off the reduction in               increase of $109 million reflected
            medical fee due to decrease in patient                the increase in drugs cost.  Another
            activities during COVID-19 outbreak.                  contributing factor was the increasing
            Patients opted to use self-financed drugs,            trend for patients opting to use self-
            which was outside clinical indication,                finance drugs.
            rather than the use of general drugs in
            HA drug formulary.
                                                                  Other Charges
                                                                  Other charges increased to $1,961 million
                                                                  (2018/19: $1,799 million).  The increase
                                                                  of $162 million was mainly contributed
                                                                  by general inflation of service contracts,
                                                                  expenses related to COVID-19, 2019/20
                                                                  Annual Plan programs and replacement
                                                                  of aging equipment and furniture.
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