Page 64 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 64

Service Enhancement Presentations

            Poster Presentations

            F-P5  Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P5.1   CHAN Ada     Advanced    Surgery, Pamela Youde   Novel Handcrafted 3D Stimulation Model in
                                   Practice Nurse  Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Advanced Wound Training

             F-P5.2   CHAN Andy    Occupational   Occupational Therapy, United   Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Robotic
                                   Therapist I  Christian Hospital    Training Programme in Improving Hemiplegic Upper
                                                                      Limb Function for Stroke Patients in United Christian
                                                                      Hospital: A Randomised Controlled Trial

             F-P5.3   CHAN Ka-ki Fion  Health   Health Informatics, Hospital   General Outpatient Clinic Public-private Partnership
                                   Informatics   Authority Head Office  Programme in Hong Kong: Streamline the
                                   Analyst                            Documentation of Programme Electronic Record
                                                                      System and Clinic Medical Record System

             F-P5.4   CHIU Ho-yan  Advanced    Palliative Medical Unit,   Impact of Structured Advance Care Planning
                                   Practice Nurse  Grantham Hospital  Programme on Patients’ Wish Items and Healthcare
                                                                      Utilisation – A Review of One-year Experience

             F-P5.5   CHANG Yuk-sing  Advanced   Personalised Care Programme   Supporting Family Carers of Schizophrenia
                      Geoffrey     Practice Nurse  (Wong Tai Sin), Kwai Chung   Outpatients: A Comparative Study of Three
                                               Hospital               Group Intervention Programmes at East Kowloon
                                                                      Psychiatric Centre

             F-P5.6   CHENG Tsz-ho  Research   Department of Medicine and   Achieving Early Disease Control and Reducing
                                   Assistant   Therapeutics, The Chinese   Indirect Cost – The CRYSTAL Registry in Hong
                                               University of Hong Kong  Kong Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

             F-P5.7   CHEUNG Hiu-yee Occupational   Occupational Therapy   To Evaluate the Behavioural Performance of
                                   Therapist I  Department, Prince of Wales   Local Neonates Using “The Neonatal Behavioural
                                               Hospital               Assessment Scale”

             F-P5.8   CHEUNG Yue-  Associate   Department of Surgery, Prince   Randomised Controlled Trial on Adjuvant
                      sun          Consultant  of Wales Hospital      Transarterial Chemoembolisation after Curative
                                                                      Hepatectomy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (A-TECH
                                                                      Study) – An Interim Analysis

             F-P5.9   CHIM Chun-king  Nurse    Community Outreach Services   Community Services Transformation to Support
                                   Consultant  Team, Prince of Wales Hospital  Community Elders through Proactive, Innovative,
                                                                      Collaborative and Best-practice Approaches

             F-P5.10  CHIN Man-ting  Registered   Accident and Emergency   Ultrasound Guidance on Difficult Peripheral Vascular
                                   Nurse       Department, Ruttonjee and Tang  Access by Emergency Nurses: A Prospective
                                               Shiu Kin Hospitals     Randomised Controlled Trial

             F-P5.11  CHIU Chi-fong  Associate   Eletrographic Diagnostic Unit,   Efficacy of Manual-Bilevel-Positive-Airway-Pressure
                                   Medical     Queen Elizabeth Hospital  Titration in Patients not Responsive to or Intolerant
                                   Technologist                       of Manual-Continuous-Positive-Airway-Pressure

             F-P5.12  CHIU Kin-bor  Advanced   Medical and Geriatric, United   Early Detection of Vascular Abnormality by Stroke
                                   Practice Nurse  Christian Hospital  Nurse through Bedside Carotid Doppler Screening
             F-P5.13  HO Chi-wai   Nurse       Surgery, Pamela Youde   Ultrasonography-guided Drainage in Complicated
                                   Consultant  Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Abscess by Nurse Consultant: The First Local

             F-P5.14  IP Ho-wan    Resident    Department of Pathology,   Next-generation Sequencing for the Detection
                                   Specialist  Queen Mary Hospital    of Somatic Mutations in Myeloid Neoplasms:
                                                                      Determination of Clinical Utility and Model of
                                                                      Service Delivery

             F-P5.15  KOO Wai-mun   Senior Nursing   Central Nursing Department,   The First Study of Critical Pathways for Organ
                      Jenny        Officer     Queen Mary Hospital    Donation in Hong Kong

             F-P5.16  KWOK Chi-ki   Ward Manager  Specialist Outpatient Clinic,   Electronic Triage System in Specialist Outpatient
                      Priscilla                Tuen Mun Hospital      Clinics

             F-P5.17  KWOK Luk-man  Pharmacist  Pharmacy, Kowloon Hospital  Blocking Group Medication Incidents – Is It

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