Page 73 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
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Service Enhancement Presentations                                                       HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Poster Presentations
F-P8 Young HA Investigators Presentations

Location Name           Post                    Institution                      Topic of Presentation

F-P8.19  LAI Hiu-ying   Physiotherapist Department of Physiotherapy,             The Sensorimotor Physiotherapy Programme for
                        II Tuen Mun Hospital                                     Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
                                                                                 — What We Know from the Sensory Organisation

F-P8.20 LAI Sze-ming    Registered              Department of Child and          Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
                        Nurse                   Adolescent Psychiatry, Castle    Discharge Pamphlet- “ 寶貝孩子出院篇 ”
                                                Peak Hospital

F-P8.21  LAM Chui-wing  Advanced                Professional Development         Understanding the Perceived Level of Competency
                        Practice Nurse          and Research Department,         for Newly Graduated Nurses: Implications for
                                                Central Nursing Division, Queen  Preceptorship Development
                                                Elizabeth Hospital

F-P8.22  LAU On-yee     Resident                Department of Clinical           An Audit on Do-not-attempt Cardiopulmonary
         Justina                                Oncology, Pamela Youde           Resuscitation — Implementation in a Clinical
                                                Nethersole Eastern Hospital      Oncology Department

F-P8.23  LEE Tsz-mei Alice Occupational         Department of Occupational       The Benefits of Health Qigong for Patients with Mild
                                  Therapist I   Therapy, Prince of Wales         Cognitive Impairment: Randomised Clinical Trial

F-P8.24 LEE Kai-fong    Physiotherapist Department of Physiotherapy,             Physiotherapy Service Review on Stroke
                        II Princess Margaret Hospital                            Rehabilitation in Geriatrics Day Hospital of the
                                                                                 Princess Margaret Hospital

F-P8.25 LO Pui-yee      Associate               Ear, Nose and Throat             Five-years’ Experience in Endoscopic
                        Consultant              Department, Queen Elizabeth      Nasopharyngectomy

F-P8.26  MAK Hoi-man    Registered              Nursing Department, Wong         Continuous Quality Improvement Programme:
                        Nurse                   Chuk Hang Hospital               Enhance the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Uptake
                                                                                 Rate Among Frail Elderly Living in the Community

F-P8.27 KF MAK          Registered              Community Nursing Services,      Timely Care Delivery Model : Accident and
                        Nurse                   United Christian Hospital        Emergency Department (Chronic Obstructive
                                                                                 Pulmonary Disease) Collaboration Programme in
                                                                                 Community Nursing Services

F-P8.28  NG Shek-kong   Registered              Department of Medicine, Pamela A Pilot Study of Using Foam Dressings for Prevention
         Sandor         Nurse                   Youde Nethersole Eastern         of Stage II Pressure Ulcer in Patients Using Non-
                                                Hospital                         invasive Ventilation

F-P8.29  SHIU Ming-sum  Associate               Division of Haematology, Queen Allele Specific Polymerase-Chain Reaction for
                        Medical                 Mary Hospital                    Detection of GYP.Mur

F-P8.30  SIU Chi-hong   Occupational            Department of Family Medicine, Early Identification of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
         Damian         Therapist I             North District Hospital          Disease in a High-risk Population: A Retrospective

F-P8.31 SIU Yee-ting    Occupational            Department of Occupational       Long Term Oxygen Therapy Compliance and Factors
                        Therapist II            Therapy, Tuen Mun Hospital       Influencing the Compliance in Community–living
                                                                                 Elderly with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
                                                                                 in Hong Kong

F-P8.32  SUEN Ka-wai Ivy Resident               Department of Pharmacy,          A Study on the Impact of Pharmacist in Neurology
                                  Pharmacist    Tseung Kwan O Hospital           Refill Clinic: Experience of a Local Hospital in Hong

F-P8.33  TAM Sze-man    Registered              Orthopaedic and Traumatology Prospective Cohort Study of Progressive Wound
                        Nurse                   Department, Queen Elizabeth Closure

F-P8.34 TAN James       Health                  Clinical Innovation, Quality     Innovation and Technology Management —
                        Informatician           Assurance & Risk Management, Transforming from Yesterday into Tomorrow

F-P8.35  TSANG Tsz-shan Occupational            Occupational Therapy             The Effectiveness of Robot- assisted Training on
                                  Therapist II  Department, TWGHs Wong Tai       Upper Limb Function and Self-care Ability in Patients
                                                Sin Hospital                     with Subacute Stroke: A Randomised Controlled Trial
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