Page 72 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
P. 72

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016  Service Enhancement Presentations

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    F-P8 Young HA Investigators Presentations

                                    Location Name           Post                  Institution                     Topic of Presentation

                                    F-P8.1   CHAN Tze-ho    Resident              Accident and Emergency          Clinical Audit to Improve Assessment and Sedation
                                                            Specialist            Department, Tuen Mun Hospital of Patients with Acute Agitation or Behavioural
                                                                                                                  Emergencies in Emergency Department

                                    F-P8.2   CHAN Yin-hang Associate              Department of Family Medicine A Three Year Review for Chronic Disease
                                                                      Consultant  and Primary Health Care, Tuen Management in the First Community Health Centre
                                                                                  Mun Hospital                    in Hong Kong

                                    F-P8.3   TK CHENG       Registered            Department of Medicine and      Facilitating Rehabilitation Process via Group-based
                                                            Nurse                 Geriatrics, United Christian    Health Education Programme

                                    F-P8.4   CHEUNG Chun- Prosthetist-            Department of Prosthetics       Randomised Controlled Trial-comparing Computer-
                                             chuen          Orthotist II          and Orthotics, Tseung Kwan O    aided Design Computer-aided Manufacturing and
                                                                                  Hospital                        Conventional Laterally Wedged Insole to Patient with
                                                                                                                  Knee Osteoarthritis

                                    F-P8.5   CHEUNG Wai-lok Occupational          Department of Occupational      Effectiveness of 10 Sessions Electromyography-
                                             Ivan Therapist II                    Therapy, Tuen Mun Hospital      driven Exoskeleton Hand Robotic Training on
                                                                                                                  Subjects with Sub-acute Stroke

                                    F-P8.6   CHEUNG Kai-yat Resident              Department of Radiology,        Comparison Between Novel EOS Biplanar X-ray
                                             Kenneth                              Queen Mary Hospital             Imaging System and Conventional X-ray Imaging:
                                                                                                                  Significant Dose Reduction and High Level of Overall
                                                                                                                  Patient Satisfaction

                                    F-P8.7   CHEUNG Kin-on Resident               Department of Radiology, North  Semi-urgent Plain Computed Tomography Scan
                                                                                  District Hospital               as a Triage Tool to Enhance Patient Work-flow in
                                                                                                                  a Community-based Accident and Emergency
                                                                                                                  Department (AHNH)

                                    F-P8.8   CHOI Ching-man Physiotherapist I Department of Physiotherapy,        Physical Activity Telemonitoring of Chronic
                                             Tiffany                              North District Hospital         Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients Undergoing
                                                                                                                  Pulmonary Rehabilitation

                                    F-P8.9   DAI Yuk-ling   Resident              Department of Imaging and       Hybrid DynaCT-guided Hookwire Localisation of
                                             Eunice                               Interventional Radiology, Prince Pulmonary Lesions Prior to Surgical Resection in the
                                                                                  of Wales Hospital               Same Hybrid Operating Theater

                                    F-P8.10  CHUNG Kwong- Associate               Department of Orthopaedics      Reduce Blood Transfusion Burden in Total Knee and
                                             yin Consultant                       and Traumatology, Prince of     Total Hip Replacement Using Tranexamic Acid
                                                                                  Wales Hospital

                                    F-P8.11  FANG Xin-hao   Associate             Department of Radiology,        Automatic Call Duty Assignment System
                                             Benjamin       Consultant            Queen Mary Hospital

                                    F-P8.12  FU Siu-saap    Resident              Department of Family Medicine Are There Any Associated Factors of Diabetic
                                             Michelle                             and Primary Health Care,        Retinopathy in Chinese Hypertensive Patients with
                                                                                  Tseung Kwan O Hospital          New Onset Type 2 Diabetes?

                                    F-P8.13  FUNG Hoi-ting  Occupational          Occupational Therapy            Occupational Therapy Services in Supported
                                                            Therapist II          Department, Queen Elizabeth     Discharge Programme for Highly Dependent Neuro-
                                                                                  Hospital                        surgical Patients

                                    F-P8.14  FUNG Tsz-wa    Executive Officer Hospital Food Services, Pok Oi Green Initiative: Food Waste Management at Pok Oi
                                                            II Hospital                                           Hospital

                                    F-P8.15  HUANG Lin      SO(Medical)           Department of Surgery, Prince Banking of Amniotic Membrane as Biological
                                                                                  of Wales Hospital               Dressing for Burns and Wound Care

                                    F-P8.16  WH HUI         Physiotherapist Department of Physiotherapy, Evaluation of Cardiopulmonary Training Programme
                                                            II                    Caritas Medical Centre          for Adolescent with Cerebral Palsy

                                    F-P8.17  WY KWAN        Associate             Surgery Department, United      An Evolutionary Patient-centred and Multidisciplinary
                                                            Consultant            Christian Hospital              Model of Care — Impact of Thyroidectomy Clinical

                                    F-P8.18  KWOK Lai-hang Registered             Department of Surgery,          SAFE Discharge Programme in Surgical Ward
                                                            Nurse                 Ruttonjee and Tang Siu Kin
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