Page 68 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
P. 68

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016  Service Enhancement Presentations

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    F-P6 Managing Service Demands

                                    Location Name           Post                       Institution                   Topic of Presentation

                                    F-P6.35 WP PUN          Radiographer               Department of Radiology, Yan The Incidence of Deep Vein Thrombosis After Total
                                                                                       Chai Hospital                 Knee Replacement or Total Hip Replacement with
                                                                                                                     Sole Mechanical Prophylaxis in Chinese Population

                                    F-P6.36  SIU Hon-kit Eddy Senior                   Department of Physiotherapy, A New Model of Care to Reduce Waiting Time for
                                                                      Physiotherapist  Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Subacute Conditions in Physiotherapy Outpatient
                                                                                       Hospital                      Department — Enhanced First Consultation Service

                                    F-P6.37  SUEN To-ki     Consultant                 Department of Surgery, Queen Waiting Time for Operation as First Definitive Breast
                                             Dacita                                    Mary Hospital                 Cancer Treatment in Hong Kong West Cluster

                                    F-P6.38 TAI Candy       Physiotherapist I          Physiotherapy Department,     The Effectiveness of Enhanced First Consultation
                                                                                       Pamela Youde Nethersole       Programme in Physiotherapy Services for Shoulder
                                                                                       Eastern Hospital              Pain Patients

                                    F-P6.39 WS TAM          Department                 Specialist Outpatient         Fast Arrangement Service for Blood-taking (FAST)
                                                            Operations                 Department, United Christian
                                                            Manager                    Hospital

                                    F-P6.40  VONG Yee-ping  Physiotherapist I          Department of Physiotherapy, Impact of Transcutaneous Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
                                                                                       North District Hospital       on Avoiding Unplanned Hospitalisation in Hospital-
                                                                                                                     at-home Patients with History of Hypercapnia

                                    F-P6.41  YAN See-wan    Associate                  Tuberculosis and Chest Unit, Enhancement of Work Up Phase for Lung
                                                            Consultant                 Grantham Hospital             Transplantation

                                    F-P6.42  YEUNG Ka-wai   Advanced Practice Department of Surgery,                 Nurse-led Female Urinary Incontinence Clinic
                                             Winnie         Nurse                      Pamela Youde Nethersole       — Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
                                                                                       Eastern Hospital              Experience

                                    F-P6.43  YIM Cheuk-wan Associate                   Department of Medicine,       Protocol-based Nurse Triage Service Revolutionised
                                                                      Consultant       Tseung Kwan O Hospital        the Management of Rheumatic Diseases

                                    F-P6.44 YU Kim-kam      Senior Medical             Department of Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Outcomes of Hip Fracture Patients in a
                                                            Officer                    Kowloon Hospital              Rehabilitation Hospital

                                    F-P6.45  YUEN Suk-yin   Nurse Consultant Accident and Emergency                  Addressing the Minority: The Use of Hyperbaric
                                             Margaret                                 Department, Pamela Youde       Oxygen Therapy in Pamela Youde Nethersole
                                                                                      Nethersole Eastern Hospital    Eastern Hospital

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