Page 69 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
P. 69

Service Enhancement Presentations                                                       HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Poster Presentations
F-P7 Committed and Happy Staff

Location Name          Post                Institution                       Topic of Presentation

F-P7.1   LAU Mo-yee,   Department          Physiotherapy Department,         Successful Orientation and Induction Programme
         Polly         Manager             Queen Elizabeth Hospital          Together with a One-on-one Peer Support and
                                                                             Mentoring Model Facilitates the Transition of the
                                                                             Role of Newly Recruited Physiotherapists

F-P7.2   CHAN Ying-ping Senior Nursing Central Nursing Division,             A Business Strategy for Succession Planning for
         Annie         Officer             Princess Margaret Hospital        Nurse Leaders: An Action Learning Leadership and
                                                                             Management Development Programme

F-P7.3   CL CHAN       Advanced            Central Nursing Division -        Effective Measure to Reduce Injuries Related to
                       Practice Nurse      Medicine and Geriatrics,          Manual Handling Operation: Ceiling Hoist
                                           Princess Margaret Hospital

F-P7.4   Y CHAN        Senior              Occupational Safety and Health Occupational Safety and Health Audit — Sustain
                       Physiotherapist     Team, United Christian Hospital Continuous Improvement in Safety by Staff at Their


F-P7.5   MY CHAN       Advanced            Department of Paediatrics and     Initiatives on Promotion of Positive Practice
                       Practice Nurse      Adolescent Medicine, Princess     Environment — Enhance Effective Communication in
                                           Margaret Hospital                 Two Paediatric Wards

F-P7.6   YM CHAN       Registered          Community Nursing Services, “Triple Win” Happy Programme: Flexible Duty in
                       Nurse               United Christian Hospital         Community Nursing Services

F-P7.7   CHEUNG Hor- Advanced              School of Nursing, Caritas        A Teacher-student Liaison Project on Energy and
         wan Annemarie Practice Nurse Medical Centre                         Resource Conservation — “Let’s Go Green”

F-P7.8   KK CHEUNG     Ward Manager        Department of Medicine and        Engaging Staff to Adapt to Change — Smooth
                                           Geriatrics, United Christian      Transition to New Medication Management System
                                           Hospital                          in Rehabilitation and Palliative Care Ward of United
                                                                             Christian Hospital

F-P7.9   CHOI Kwan-hang Human              Human Resources Division, New A Supervisor Energising Programme to Engage Staff
         Danny         Resources           Territories East Cluster

F-P7.10  CHOW Lee-lee  Advanced            Nursing Service Department,       Is the Golden Ratio 1:250 Up-to-date?
                       Practice Nurse      Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin

F-P7.11  HO Ka-ming    Associate           Department of Family Medicine ‘Happy Staff and Healthy Staff Campaign’ with
                       Consultant          and Primary Health Care, Our Multidisciplinary Allied Health Professional Supports
                                           Lady of Maryknoll Hospital

F-P7.12  KO Suk-lan Flora Department       Department of Occupational        Establishing a Working Context Conducive to
                                  Manager  Therapy, North District Hospital  the Prevention of the Injury-on-duty Related to
                                                                             Repetitive Job Task Performance and Human Failure
                                                                             in Catering Services Department: A Pilot Programme

F-P7.13  KWAN Sze-han Advanced             Central Nursing Division, Kwong We are Family! A Circle of Love and Strength
         Joan          Practice Nurse Wah Hospital

F-P7.14  SM KWAN       Executive Officer Kowloon East Cluster                Three-year Occupational Hygiene Assessment Plan
                       II Occupational Safety and Health in Kowloon East Cluster
                                           Team, United Christian Hospital

F-P7.15  Y KWAN        Associate           Occupational Medicine Care        Structured Work Rehabilitation Programme as a
                       Consultant          Service, United Christian         Means to Facilitate Sustainable Return-to-work for
                                           Hospital                          Healthcare Workers with Significant Work Disability

F-P7.16  LAM Chui-wai  Advanced            Department of Clinical            Occupational Safety and Health Programme on
                       Practice Nurse      Oncology, Queen Mary Hospital Nursing Management of Cytotoxic Drugs Spillage by
                                                                             Small Team Approach

F-P7.17  LAM Leung-chun Registered         Department of Surgery, Pamela We Love We Care Campaign — Six Years’ Effort on
                                  Nurse    Youde Nethersole Eastern          Fostering Caring Culture in Pamela Youde Nethersole
                                           Hospital                          Eastern Hospital

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