Page 24 - HA Convention 2015
P. 24


                                    Tuesday, 19 May 2015 | Convention Hall A

                                    09:00 – 10:15         Symposium 1 – Management of Chronic Diseases                                                                  S1

                                                   Chairperson:	 Dr TY CHUI
                                                                    Cluster Chief Executive, Kowloon East Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

                                                   S1.1	 Applying the Chronic Care Model in Patients with Persistent Pain
                                                   	 Dr Cathy PRICE, Consultant in Pain Medicine and Clinical Lead, Southampton Pain Team, Solent NHS Trust, UK
                                                   S1.2	 Planning for Sustainable Long Term Care
                                                   	 Prof John E MORLEY, Dammert Professor of Gerontology, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Saint Louis University, USA
                                                   S1.3	 A Review of Chronic Disease Self-management Models
                                                   	 Prof Malcolm BATTERSBY, Director, Department of Psychiatry, Flinders University, Australia

                                    10:15 – 10:45         Speed Presentation (Room S222-S227)
                                    10:45 – 12:00
                                                                              Tea Break

                                                          Symposium 2 – Crew Resources Management                                                                       S2

                                                   Chairperson:	 Prof MF YUEN
                                                                    Chair of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University
                                                                    of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

                                                   S2.1	 How Crew Resources Management Training Improves Safety in Aviation Industry
                                                   	 Mr Norman MACLEOD, Human Factor Manager, Flight Operations, Cathay Pacific Airways, Hong Kong

                                                   S2.2	 Parallels between the Hospital World and the Aviation Community – a Pilot-surgeon’s View
                                                   	 Dr Marck HAERKENS, Chief Executive Officer, Wings of Care, The Netherlands

                                                   S2.3	 Are We Growing What We Need? The Crew Resources Management Seeds
                                                   	 Dr Benny CP CHENG, Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Tuen Mun Hospital, Hong Kong

                                    12:00 – 13:15                             Lunch
                                    13:15 – 14:30
                                                          Symposium 3 – Leading and Developing Young Workforce                                                          S3

                                                   Chairperson:	 Dr Theresa LI
                                                                    Head of Human Resources, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

                                                   S3.1	 Building a Great Place to Work
                                                   	 Mrs KT CHEW, Chief Executive Officer, Hospital Administration, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital/Alexandra Health System,

                                                   S3.2	 Who are Our Generation Y and Z? Survey on Generation Y and Z in Hong Kong and Mainland
                                                   	 Ms Virginia CHOI, Managing Consultant and Country Manager, Tamty McGill Consultant International Ltd, Hong Kong

                                    14:30 – 15:45         Symposium 4 – Getting the Right Patient to the Right Place                                                    S4

                                                   Chairperson:	 Dr KH LEE
                                                                    Hospital Chief Executive, Shatin Hospital and Bradbury Hospice, Hong Kong

                                                   S4.1	 Infrastructure and System Design for Optimal Inter-facility Transports
                                                   	 Prof Hilary WHYTE, Medical Director, Acute Care Transport Services, Neonatology, The Hospital for Sick Children, Canada

                                                   S4.2	 Aeromedical Retrieval Services
                                                   	 Dr Marck HAERKENS, Chief Executive Officer, Wings of Care, The Netherlands

                                                   S4.3	  Using Simulation to Explore Interactions between Workflow, Staffing and Waiting Times in a Hong Kong Emergency
                                                          Prof Colin GRAHAM, Professor and Honorary Consultant, Department of Emergency Medicine, The Chinese University of
                                                          Hong Kong, Hong Kong

                    15:45 – 16:15                                             Speed Presentation (Room S222–S227)
                    16:15 – 18:30                                                           Poster Viewing
                                                                                               Tea Break
                                                               Presentation of Awards and Closing Ceremony (Convention Hall)
                                                          Presentation of Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Display Awards

                                                                Presentation of HA Outstanding Staff and Teams Award 2015

                                                                                                 Information as at 28 April 2015. Please check the latest directory at the venue.
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