The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is a global initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO)
and UNICEF launched in 1991. It aims to give every baby the best start in life by creating a health care environment that supports breastfeeding as the norm.
BFHI includes a global assessment and accreditation scheme that recognises the achievement of health facilities in promoting, supporting and protecting breastfeeding. A Baby‐Friendly Hospital is committed to implementing the WHO / UNICEF Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and the International Code of
Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent relevant World Health Assembly resolutions. By 2011, over 21,000 facilities in 131 countries around the world have been ever‐designated as a Baby-Friendly Hospital.
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association (BFHIHKA) was established by the Hong Kong
Committee for UNICEF in 1994 to promote breastfeeding and protect infant and maternal health in
Hong Kong. BFHIHKA is entrusted by the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF to assess the eligibility of
hospitals in Hong Kong to be designated as Baby‐Friendly Hospitals.