Activity Highlights
Sponsoring PWH to Purchase a Retrofit Direct Digital Radiography System(27/3/2015)

Sponsoring PWH Health Education Exhibition (5/2/2015-4/3/2015)

24 exhibition boards designed by various PWH clinical departments are displayed at the exhibition.
The exhibition boards introduce the causes and the prevention of common diseases including diabetes, hypertension and cervical cancer.

Some of the boards promote worthy causes including organ transplant and joining the hospital volunteer service.
Sponsoring PWH 30th Anniversary Healthy TOGETHER Carnival (30/11/2014)

More than 200 PWH staff members set up interactive game/health check/exhibition booths on different health topics to educate members of the public about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Nurse from Infection Control Team teaches the participants how to wash hands correctly.

Over 3,000 members of the public have participated in the Healthy TOGETHER Carnival.
Prince of Wales Hospital 25th Anniversary Album ACCESS Charity Sale

Prince of Wales Hospital 25th Anniversary Album ACCESS Charity Sale