Hospital Governing Committee
Purpose of the establishment and Membership of Hospital Governing Committee
The Hospital Governing Committee (HGC) has been established to enhance community participation and governance of the public hospitals in accordance with the Hospital Authority Ordinance. During the year, the committee received regular management reports from Hospital Chief Executives, monitored operational and financial performance of the hospitals, participated in human resources and procurement functions, as well as hospital and community partnership activities.
2024-2025 Pok Oi Hospital Hospital Governing Committee
Position | Name |
Chairman | Mr Danny CHAU Chun-tat |
Ex-officio Members | Hospital Authority Chief Executive or his representative |
Hospital Chief Executive | |
Members | Dr CHAN Kwok-ki, MH, JP |
Dr Lily CHAN LI Lei, MH | |
Dr CHAN Shou-ming, MH | |
Ms Veronica HO | |
Ms HUANG Xiao-jun | |
Mr Stephen LEE Hoi-yin | |
Mr Donald MAN Ka-ho, JP | |
Mr PANG Siu-hin, MH | |
Mrs Winnie TAM KEUNG May-chu, MH | |
Mr Simon TSO | |
Ms YUEN Man-yee, MH |