New Territories West Cluster Recent Developments
Major Development in New Territories West Cluster 2024/2025:
Provide Smart Care
- Provide 400 additional day inpatient attendances in Ambulatory Gynaecology Centre at POH.
- Strengthen manpower for the development of medical social collaboration at NTWC.
- Recruit additional case managers at NTWC to provide services for 4 300 additional psychiatric outreach attendances.
- Set up one designated medical clinic at NTWC to provide one- off specialist consultations to patients referred from the Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme.
- Enhance pharmacist clinic services by providing 10 500 additional pharmacist clinic attendances at NTWC.
Develop Smart Hospitals
- Implement health monitoring system with location tracking function in Accident & Emergency Department at TMH and POH.
- Install the robotic-arm assisted system and provide services for 15 additional robotic surgeries for joint replacement at POH.
Nurture Smart Workforce
- Enhance nursing manpower for psychiatric inpatient wards at NTWC.
- Provide additional promotion opportunities for advanced practice occupational therapists, physiotherapists and diagnostic radiographers.
- Strengthen nursing career structure by providing additional positions of Associate Nurse Consultants.
- Strengthen doctor career structure by providing additional promotion opportunities for residents and associate consultants.
Enhance Service Supply
- Provide 27 acute beds at TMH.
- Establish an integrated neuroscience centre at NTWC and provide two high dependency unit beds at TMH; provide intravenous thrombolysis services for acute ischaemic stroke patients at NTWC.
- Provide 10 additional Operating Theatre (OT) sessions per week, two additional pre-anaesthetic consultation session per week, as well as 2 550 additional allied health outpatient attendances at OT Extension Block of Tuen Mun Hospital.
- Implement systemic anti-cancer therapy by providing 540 additional nurse clinic attendances in SOPC and 675 pharmacist clinic attendances at NTWC.
- Provide services for 2 000 additional FMSC attendances at Community Health Centres at Tuen Mun Area 29 West.
- Strengthen manpower to enhance pharmacy service.
- Provide 10 additional electro-diagnostic unit (EDU) sessions per week to enhance EDU service for cardiology, neurology and respirology at TSWH.
- Prepare for the installation of an additional Linear Accelerator at TMH.
- Continue to support the medication delivery services in SOPC.
- Strengthen the laboratory and infection control service to provide 28 000 additional Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms tests.
- Provide NT-proBNP service to identify patients with potential heart failure at NTWC.
- Build capacity for providing 17 623 additional polymerase chain reaction tests for respiratory viruses at NTWC.
- Build capacity for providing 1 420 plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA tests at NTWC.
- Build capacity for providing 100 additional plasma Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor tests for newly diagnosed lung cancer patients with metastasis or recurrent cases at NTWC.
- Strengthen the manpower to enhance the facility inspections and management.