Page 27 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
P. 27


                                Bradbury Hospice

             Bradbury Hospice (BBH), situated in Shatin, was built
             to house a specialist hospice unit with facilities for
             healthcare service and education and research in the
             field of care for the terminally ill patients.

                     The In-patient Medication Order Entry (IPMOE)
                     system was successfully rolled out to In-patient
                     Unit (IPU) in 2018/19.

                     Replacement of the integrated
                     telecommunication system was carried out in
                     4Q2018, which entailed the changeover of the
                     private automatic branch exchange (PABX) on
                     23 October 2018 as well as the replacement of
                     pagers with mobile phones.

                     81% of staff in BBH received influenza
                     vaccination in 2018/19, earning the Hospice the
                     award of having the highest percentage of staff
                     receiving the flu jab in HA.                                                              Chapter V
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