Page 68 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 68

Service Enhancement Presentations

            Poster Presentations

            F-P6  Enhancing Partnership with Patients and Community

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P6.19  KWAN Wai-sum  Ward Manager  Community Nursing Service,   Empowerment Programme for Continuous
                                               Yan Chai Hospital      Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Care in Residential
                                                                      Care Homes for the Elderly

             F-P6.20  KWOK Yeung   Physiotherapist   Physiotherapy Department,   Fighting against Dementia: Sitting BaDuanJin
                      Keith        II          Kowloon Hospital       Programme on Elderly with Dementia in
                                                                      Psychogeriatric Day Hospital

             F-P6.21  WONG Ka-yee   Assistant Social  Community Services Centre,   A Three-year Review on the Effectiveness of a
                      Cicely       Work Officer  Tuen Mun Hospital    Hospital and Community Conjoint Rehabilitation
                                                                      Program for Post Percutaneous Coronary
                                                                      Intervention Patients

             F-P6.22  LAI Wing-yin  Advanced   Operating Theatre, Caritas   Service Improvement through Patient Feedback in
                                   Practice Nurse  Medical Centre     Operating Theatre

             F-P6.23  LAM Wai-man  Ward Manager  Central Nursing Division,   Careful Hand Feeding, an Alternative for Late Stage
                                               Queen Elizabeth Hospital  Dementia Patients in Residential Care Homes for
                                                                      the Elderly

             F-P6.24  LAM Yuk-yin  Advanced    Surgery, North District   A Patient Journey to Promote the Patient
                                   Practice Nurse  Hospital           Compliance of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery

             F-P6.25  LAW Sheung-wai  Consultant  Orthopaedics and    Rehabilitation Based on Patients Needs A 4.5-
                                               Traumatology, Tai Po Hospital  year Evaluation of the Pioneering Medical-social
                                                                      Collaboration in Fragility Hip Fracture Rehabilitation

             F-P6.26  LEUNG Ching-  Occupational   Occupational Therapy, North   Promoting Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
                      han Vivien   Therapist I  District Hospital     Patient Self-management through Occupational
                                                                      Therapy Interventions and Process Model

             F-P6.27  LEUNG Yuk-yee  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   A New Me 從「身」出發:Project of Improving Self-
                                   Therapist II  Department, Kowloon Hospital  Image and Encouraging Socialisation for Youth with
                                                                      Early Psychosis

             F-P6.28  LI Fung-ping Jess Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   Effect of Combined Exercise and Weight Control
                                               Kwong Wah Hospital     Programme on Lymphedema Control

             F-P6.29  LI Sun-fei   Registered   Accident and Emergency,   Video Discharge Instruction for Paediatric Fever
                                   Nurse       Princess Margaret Hospital  Cases in Accident and Emergency Department
             F-P6.30  LI Sui-sang  Advanced    Community Care Division,   Evaluation of the Dementia Community Support
                                   Practice Nurse  Tuen Mun Hospital  Scheme in New Territories West Cluster
             F-P6.31  CHAN Kit-ying  Registered   Geriatrics and Rehabilitation,   Inpatient Rehabilitation Programme: “Happy Singing
                                   Nurse       Haven of Hope Hospital  for Speech Learning” for Patients Suffering from

             F-P6.32  FU Yinqi Joyce  Research Social  Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The   Development and Evaluation of a Two-tier Care
                                   Worker      University of Hong Kong  Management Model for Stroke Caregivers: A
                                                                      Randomised Controlled Trial
             F-P6.33  MA Evelyn    Pharmacist  Department of Pharmacy,   Service Review of Medication Management and
                                               Queen Mary Hospital    Compliance Clinic in Hong Kong West Cluster

             F-P6.34  MAN Sze-shun  Associate   Paediatrics, Tuen Mun Hospital  Paediatric Palliative Care Service in Tuen Mun
                                   Consultant                         Hospital

             F-P6.35  PANG Hau-yin   Advanced   Orthopaedics and      Patient Satisfaction Survey on Orthopaedics
                      Hilbie       Practice Nurse  Traumatology, Caritas Medical   Rehabilitation Nursing Service

             F-P6.36  PO Mei-yee   Ward Manager  Geriatrics, Ruttonjee and Tang   Person-centred Outcome Measure in Geriatric Day
                      Yvonne                   Shiu Kin Hospitals     Hospital – The Pilot Use of Goal Attainment Scale

             F-P6.37  QUEK Yat-sum   Patient Relations  Quality and Safety, Tuen Mun   Workshop on “How to be a Clinical Communication
                      Samson       Officer     Hospital               Champion” for Junior Doctors
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