Page 70 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 70

Service Enhancement Presentations

            Poster Presentations

            F-P7  Committed and Happy Staff

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P7.1   AU Chin-kin Ken  Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,   “Run for Life Series” – A Collaborative Model of
                                               Pamela Youde Nethersole   Human Resources Division and Physiotherapy
                                               Eastern Hospital       Department in Engaging Staff in Regular Exercise

             F-P7.2   AU Rudolp    Registered   Department of Surgery,   Biomedical Equipment Inventory System – A
                                   Nurse       Princess Margaret Hospital  Collaborative Project with Information Technology
                                                                      Department to Enhance the Workflow in Biomedical
                                                                      Equipment Management in Clinical Level

             F-P7.3   CHAN Choi-lin  Ward Manager  Medicine and Geriatrics,   Zero Injury on Duty Related to Manual Handling
                                               Princess Margaret Hospital  Operation through Team Work

             F-P7.4   CHAN Suet-ka   Advanced   Clinical Oncology, Tuen Mun   Smart Team Communication through Tailor-made
                      Connie       Practice Nurse  Hospital           Pre-printed-labels

             F-P7.5   LI Yuk-ling Anita  Senior Nursing   Central Nursing Division,   Nursing Preceptorship Programme in New
                                   Officer     Prince of Wales Hospital  Territories East Cluster: Sharing of Five-year

             F-P7.6   CHAU Mei-wa   Department   Physiotherapy Department,   Satisfied Patients and Happy Staff: Six-year of
                      Rosanna      Manager     Kowloon Hospital       Patient Appreciation Analysis

             F-P7.7   CHENG Man-ka  Pharmacist  Pharmacy, Queen Mary   From Occupational Safety and Health Enhancement
                                               Hospital               to the Improvement of Dispensing Efficiency in
                                                                      Outpatient Pharmacy Service

             F-P7.8   CHEUNG Kwok-  Associate   Family Medicine and Primary   Changing the Format of Doctor Forum to Enhance
                      leung        Consultant  Health Care, Yan Chai Hospital  Frontline Doctors’ Engagement Level in the
                                                                      Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health
                                                                      Care, Kowloon West Cluster

             F-P7.9   CHEUNG Yin-  Registered   Infirmary, Haven of Hope   Enhance Occupational Safety and Health Using 5’S
                      hong         Nurse       Hospital               Method In Infirmary Ward in Haven of Hope Hospital
                                                                      – “Breeze Programme ( 清風行動 )”

             F-P7.10  CHIN Yi-ma David Occupational   Occupational Health Centre,   Stair Assessment at Hong Kong East Cluster
                                   Therapist I  Pamela Youde Nethersole
                                               Eastern Hospital

             F-P7.11  CHIU Lo-kuen   Advanced   Central Nursing Division,   Achieving High Staff Flu Vaccination Rate by a
                      Olivia       Practice Nurse  Prince of Wales Hospital  Proactive Approach

             F-P7.12  CHOI Wing-yan  Advanced   Department of Accident and   Mitigate Workplace Violence Risks in Emergency
                                   Practice Nurse  Emergency, Caritas Medical   Medicine Ward – An Experience Sharing
             F-P7.13  KEE Lai-wai  Registered   Specialist Outpatient Clinic,   No Routine Uniques Medical Record Loaning in
                                   Nurse       Pamela Youde Nethersole   Specialist Outpatient Department Surgical Clinics
                                               Eastern Hospital
             F-P7.14  CHOW Lee-lee   Advanced   Infection Control Team,   One Patient One BP Cuff in Environmental Friendly
                      Lily         Practice Nurse  Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin   Way
             F-P7.15  CHU Lai-yan   Advanced   Patient Services Department/  A Sophisticated Approach in Boosting Staff Morale
                      Judy         Practice Nurse  Quality and Safety   in High Pressure Working Area – Patient Services
                                               Department, Princess   Department, Princess Margaret Hospital.
                                               Margaret Hospital
             F-P7.16  HO Ka-man    Department   Department of Anaesthesia   Implementation of Five-day Working Week for
                                   Operations   and Intensive Care, Prince of   Nurses Working in Adult Intensive Care Unit
                                   Manager     Wales Hospital
             F-P7.17  KO Yuen-ting   Advanced   Nursing Services Division,   Happy Supporting Staff Programme for Better
                      Phoebe       Practice Nurse  Tung Wah Eastern Hospital  Workplace Morale in Rehabilitation Hospital

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