Page 4 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 4


            Tuesday, 8 May 2018

            Symposiums (S4 – S12)                                                                         142
               Symposium 4  –  Advanced Care Planning and Elderly Services
               Symposium 5  –  Supporting Global Hepatitis Health Sector Strategy
               Symposium 6  –  Integrated Emergency Care for Older People
               Symposium 7  –  Digital Connectivity in Healthcare
               Symposium 8  –  Bringing Changes to the Healthcare Services
               Symposium 9  –  Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy – Lesson Learnt
               Symposium 10 –  Primary Care in Hong Kong
               Symposium 11 –  Value Driven Healthcare
               Symposium 12 –  Engaging the Younger Generation
            Special Sessions (SS4 – SS5)                                                                 154
               Special Session 4 – Translational Nursing and Its Applications
               Special Session 5 – Professionalism and Ethics
            Masterclasses (M8 – M16)                                                                     158
               Masterclass 8  – The Role of Family Medicine in Chronic Disease Management
               Masterclass 9  – Clinical Genetics and Genomics – Application and Beyond
               Masterclass 10 – Advances in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Management
               Masterclass 11 – Advances in Medicine
               Masterclass 12 –  Management of Patients with Brain Metastases – A Paradigm Shift from
                               Whole Brain Radiotherapy to Stereotactic Radiosurgery
               Masterclass 13 – Advances in Intensive Care
               Masterclass 14 – Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine
               Masterclass 15 –  Difficult Conversation – Interactive Case Discussion and
                               Use of Applied Mediation Skills to Resolve Conflicts in End-of-life Care
               Masterclass 16 – Reduction of Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality

            Parallel Sessions (PS5 – PS12)                                                                174
               Parallel Session 5  – Use of IT to Improve the Quality of Healthcare
               Parallel Session 6  – Leadership in Nursing
               Parallel Session 7  – Facing the Challenges in Primary Care
               Parallel Session 8  – Medical-social Collaboration
               Parallel Session 9  – Innovative Nursing
               Parallel Session 10 – Technology Advancement and Innovation
               Parallel Session 11 – Evidence Based Nursing
               Parallel Session 12 – Big Data Analytic

            Corporate Scholarship Presentations (C1 – C3)                                                189
               Corporate Scholarship Presentation I  – Medical Advancement and Innovative Technology
               Corporate Scholarship Presentation II  – Rehabilitation and Community Care
               Corporate Scholarship Presentation III – Chronic Disease Management

            Service Enhancement Presentations (F5 – F8)                                                  199
               F5 – Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations
               F6 – Enhancing Partnership with Patients and Community
               F7 – Committed and Happy Staff
               F8 – Young HA Investigators Presentations

            Floor Plan for Exhibitions                                                                   227

            Exhibitors                                                                                   228

            Sponsors                                                                                     230

            © 2018 Hospital Authority

            The opinions expressed are those of the speakers and authors only and do not reflect the views of the conference
            organiser or the sponsors. They accept no responsibility for the content of the abstracts, the use which may be made
            of the information, nor the opinions and views expressed in this publication.

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