Page 9 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 9

Message from Secretary for Food and Health

                                      The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

                                      I am pleased to offer my warmest congratulations to the Hospital Authority.

                                      Over the past decades, the Hospital Authority has been at the forefront of
                                      provision  of  public  healthcare  services  in  Hong  Kong  and  is  undoubtedly  an
                                      important partner to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
                                      Region in fostering the health of Hong Kong citizens. The Government has
                                      a  strong  resolve  to  support  the  Hospital  Authority  to  augment  its  capacity,
                                      services and infrastructure to cope with the challenges of the ageing population
                                      and the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, and has devoted considerable
                                      efforts and resources to ensure sustainable development of the public
                                      healthcare system. As announced in the Policy Address in October 2017, the
                                      Government has committed to a new triennium funding arrangement for the
                                      Hospital Authority to enable it to address the challenges arising from growing
                                      demand and ageing population in a more effective and sustained manner.

                                      At the same time, high-quality public hospital services could not be rendered
                                      to the community without the dedication and diligent efforts of our healthcare
                                      professionals and supporting teams in the Hospital Authority. In this respect,
                                      I take this opportunity to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your
                                      unfailing commitment and dedication in serving the community.

                                      Training and experience sharing are crucial to continuous development of
                                      our healthcare colleagues. I am sure that the many distinguished local and
                                      international speakers in the Convention will provide all of us with a wealth of
                                      invaluable information and illuminating insights which facilitate innovations in
                                      prevention, diagnosis and treatment. For that, I commend the Hospital Authority
                                      for organising this  Convention for over 20 years and providing a golden
                                      opportunity for learning and experience sharing.

                                      Primary care and chronic diseases management are the key topics of this year’s
                                      Convention. Being the first level of healthcare, primary healthcare embraces
                                      strong elements of health promotion, disease prevention and maintenance of the
                                      health of chronic patients. The Government has announced in the 2017 Policy
                                      Address our strong commitment to the development of primary healthcare
                                      in Hong Kong. We have set up a Steering Committee on Primary Healthcare
                                      Development to draw up a development blueprint of primary healthcare and
                                      shall establish district health centres progressively in Hong Kong. I am sure that
                                      the Convention this year will provide an excellent platform to share insights and
                                      ideas for the development of primary healthcare services in Hong Kong.

                                      I wish the Convention a great success. For those coming from outside Hong
                                      Kong, I also wish that you would have an enjoyable stay here and experience
                                      the vibrancy of Asia’s world city.                                           HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018

                                      Professor Sophia CHAN Siu-chee
                                      Secretary for Food and Health
                                      The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
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