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               Organising Committee                                                                     3
               Scientific Programme Committee                                                           4
               Convention Management Committee                                                          4
               Acknowledgement                                                                          5
               Convention Secretariat                                                                   5

            Messages from
               Financial Secretary                                                                      6
                  The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
               Secretary for Food and Health                                                            7
                  The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
               Chairman, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong                                                  8
               Chief Executive, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong                                           9

            Outstanding Staff and Teams and Young Achiever Award 2018                                  10

            Venue Floor Plans                                                                          15

            Scientific Programme
               Programme at a Glance                                                                   17
               Programme by Day                                                                        18
               Programme by First Author                                                               34
               Service Enhancement Presentations                                                       41
                 – Speed Presentations                                                                 42
                 – Poster Presentations                                                                50

            Monday, 7 May 2018
            Plenary Sessions (P1 – P4)                                                                 76
               Plenary Session I – Chronic Disease Management
               Plenary Session II – Staff Engagement in Healthcare
               Plenary Session III – Teamwork
               Plenary Session IV – Living with the Chronic – What Could be Done at Primary Care
            Symposiums (S1 – S3)
 K                                                                                                     80
               Symposium 1 – Why Patient Blood Management is Important in Modern Healthcare System?
               Symposium 2 – Acute Care for Frail Older People
               Symposium 3 – Staff Engagement and Leadership
            Special Sessions (SS1 – SS3)                                                               84
               Special Session 1 – Healthcare in Mainland China
               Special Session 2 – Precision Cancer Management
               Special Session 3 – Antimicrobial Resistance
            Masterclasses (M1 – M7)                                                                    88
               Masterclass 1 – Multidisciplinary Management of Aortic Nodal Metastasis in Endometrial Cancer
               Masterclass 2 – Advances in Vascular Intervention
               Masterclass 3 – Contemporary Nursing
               Masterclass 4 – Advances in Trauma Management
               Masterclass 5 – Orthopaedic Sports Injuries Revisit
               Masterclass 6 – Enhancing Medical-social Collaboration for Elderly Patients
               Masterclass 7 – Patient Blood Management – from Overseas to Local Practices

            Parallel Sessions (PS1 – PS4)                                                             103
               Parallel Session 1 – Patient Monitoring – Inpatient, Outpatient and Home Monitoring
               Parallel Session 2 – Can Fin Tech Help?                                                             HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018
               Parallel Session 3 – Clinical Application of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
               Parallel Session 4 – Collaborative Service Programmes

            Service Enhancement Presentations (F1 – F4)                                               112
               F1 – Better Manage Growing Demands
               F2 – Staff Engagement and Empowerment
               F3 – Clinical Safety and Quality Service I
               F4 – Clinical Safety and Quality Service II


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