Page 127 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 127
Service Enhancement Presentations
F2.7 Staff Engagement and Empowerment 13:15 Room 421
Wound Management Enhancement in Kowloon Central Cluster General Outpatient Clinics
Yu PK, Li DCC, Yip LKY, Leung SH
Family Medicine and General Outpatient Clinic, Kowloon Central Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
Wound care is one of the core nursing services in General Outpatient Clinics (GOPCs) of Hospital Authority (HA). There was
over 70,000 registration of general outpatient dressing attendance in 2017. In order to cope with the huge demand, ensure
service quality and safety, improvement of staff competence on wound care service would be essential. This project aims to
provide a series of improvement strategies to enhance wound care quality and documentation in GOPCs of Kowloon Central
Cluster (KCC).
Besides, service alignment and professional development in wound care in all KCC GOPCs after re-clustering would be
(1) To enhance and refresh professional knowledge on wound assessment; (2) to standardise wound documentation in KCC
GOPCs; (3) to ensure continuity of care for patients; and(4) to improve quality of wound care service.
(1) Professional training
• Organise In-house wound care training to enhance nurses’ knowledge and competences in wound management. Monday, 7 May 2018
• Organise wound case sharing sessions quarterly to enhance staff knowledge and competences in wound care service.
(2) Practice alignment
• Standardise the documentation record for wound assessment and dressing documentation.
• Perform staff survey on the compliance of wound documentation record.
(3) Quality control
• Conduct wound care audit for quality assurance. Provide on-site wound care coaching to new nursing staff to main
service quality and knowledge transfer.
(4) Service development
• Arrange or sponsor nurses to attend local wound care training courses or seminars to equip our nursing staff and
enrich their knowledge
• Join the SAG PHC wound workgroup for the wound research among seven clusters.
(1) Two in-house wound care service talks for KCC GOPCs staff were organised with 2 CNE points credit.A total of 31 nurses
showed enrichment in wound care knowledge by the result of pre- and post-test and the seminar was useful for managing
different wound type. (2) Two wound case sharing seminars were organised to provide platform for sharing of evidence based
practice and good practice. (3) Wound assessment and documentation was standardised. (4) Wound audit among all KCC
GOPCs in November 2017 was conducted. Overall compliance rate was 99.6% whereas the compliance rate in the seven
critical items was 100%. (5) Wound chop for wound care procedures was standardised for removal of stitches or staples and
wound packing to enhance communication and patient safety. (6) Three nurses attended the KCC enhancement in wound in
2017 and another three nurses attended the HKEC wound symposium. (7) Participated in the SAG PHC wound research for
venous leg ulcers.
The project would be as a milestone for wound assessment and documentation templates in CMS in KCC GOPCs. Most
importantly, it empowers our team to provide evidence based practice and quality care to our clients.