Page 105 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 105

Parallel Sessions
                                                                                   Parallel Sessions

                PS1.1     Patient Monitoring – Inpatient, Outpatient and Home Monitoring     13:15  Theatre 1

               Integrating Sensors and Wearables into Mainstream of Healthcare: Opportunities, Issues, and Considerations
               Ho K
               Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Canada
               This presentation will explore the use of wearables and sensors in health and how they can be judiciously introduced into   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018
               health system to contribute to patient care. Participants will:
               (1)  Understand the principles why wearables and sensors are valuable tools to support patient wellness and disease
               (2)  Study examples in British Columbia of prescribing sensors and wearables to patients to improve patient and health
                   system outcomes.
               (3)  See emerging trends in sensors and wearables that will influence how healthcare will be delivered in the future.

                PS1.2     Patient Monitoring – Inpatient, Outpatient and Home Monitoring     13:15  Theatre 1      Monday, 7 May 2018

               Internet of Things Applications for Healthcare and Wellness Management
               Zhang Q
               Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

               China’s medical service system has been focusing on treatment, which forms public hospitals’ core business while revenue
               all comes from treatment services. But with the gradual formation and implementation of “Health China” National Strategy,
               the development of ageing population and the emphasis on health by China society, “preventive care, home care and
               personal care before hospital admission, and rehabilitation care after hospital discharge” will become new focuses strongly
               supported by governments and society.
               In this presentation, some innovation related to new health service model by leveraging internet of things (IoT) technologies
               will be presented. Some of our work related to sleep monitoring, dietary monitoring and exercise assessment with IoT support
               will also be shared.

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