Page 102 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 102


             M6.3      Enhancing Medical-social Collaboration for Elderly        16:15  Convention Hall C

            Medical-social Collaboration in the Dementia Community Support Scheme – An Experience from District Elderly
            Community Centre
            Chan AFM
            Active Aging and Health Services, Christian Family Service Centre, Hong Kong

            Dementia  Community  Support  Scheme  demonstrates  a  sustainable  and  effective  medical-social  collaboration  model
            between health and social care sectors. The Scheme aims to enhance community support to elderly persons with mild to
            moderate dementia so as to enhance their cognitive and functional level, quality of life, and to better support carers.
            Under the medical-social collaboration model, the Scheme is more than service referral and post-discharge support, it helps
            users better manage chronic disease and to facilitate health care outside the hospital walls. The Scheme provides chances
            to  cross-disciplinary  communication  for  better  patient  outcome  and  enhances  the  expertise of staff  of  non-governmental
            organisations at the community level in provision of dementia support services to the elderly persons.

      Monday, 7 May 2018

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