Page 108 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 108

Parallel Sessions

             PS2.3     Can Fin Tech Help?                                        14:30   Convention Hall C

            Application of Fin Tech in Hospital Setting
            Chung KL
            Quality and Safety Division, Hospital Authority Head Office, Hong Kong
            Financial Technology (Fin Tech) brings radical changes to the financial services industry. It drives new business model and
            reinvents its services towards customer-centred solutions. In healthcare service sector, can Fin Tech make changes and
            improve patient experience?

            With the ever increasing service demand and elevated expectation from the society on the Hospital Authority (HA), patient-
            centred care with continuous streamlining of workflow through adoption of IT solutions are important to facilitate HA in
            maintaining  quality patient  care  services.  Besides the clinical  services that usually attract  public attention,  non-clinical
            frontline services are of paramount importance that affects patient experience in hospital setting. Billing and fees collection
            are among those frontline services that come into contact with patients frequently.
            From hospital management perspective, this presentation provides an overview on HA’s journey in automating the billing and
            fee collection processes; and share the visions on modernising these processes by leveraging on Fin Tech to enhance patient
            experience and improve operation efficiency. Expected challenges faced by the hospital management will also be highlighted
            in the presentation.
      Monday, 7 May 2018

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