Page 58 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
P. 58

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016  Service Enhancement Presentations

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    F-P3 Clinical Safety and Quality Service I

                                    Location Name           Post            Institution                        Topic of Presentation

                                    F-P3.19  LAM Yuk-yin    Registered      Department of Surgery, North Implementation of Mobile App on Stoma Care
                                                            Nurse           District Hospital                  Education

                                    F-P3.20  LAU Yuen-kiu   Resident        Pharmacy Department, Alice Ho Audit on the Appropriateness of Medications in
                                             Cherry         Pharmacist      Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital Geriatric Patients Admitted to Wards of Medicine

                                                                                                                        and Geriatric Department in Tai Po Hospital

                                    F-P3.21  LEE Man-man    Advanced        Community Care Division, Tuen Win-win-win Strategy to Support Multi-drug
                                                            Practice Nurse Mun Hospital                        Resistant Organisms Patient in the Community

                                    F-P3.22  LEUNG Pui-han  Ward Manager    Department of Obstetrics and Implementation of Electronic Patient Care Plan in
                                                                            Gynaecology, Princess Margaret Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics and Traumatology,
                                                                            Hospital                           Obstetrics and Gynaecology Departments of
                                                                                                               Princess Margaret Hospital

                                    F-P3.23 LI Janet        Nurse           CSD - Medicine Department,         Advanced Preventive Measures to Reduce
                                                            Consultant      Queen Elizabeth Hospital           Buttonhole Infection

                                    F-P3.24  LI Chen-may    Registered      Department of Clinical             Feasibility of Clearance of Labeling of Vancomycin
                                             Jenny          Nurse           Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital        Resistance Enterococci Carrier Patients in Clinical
                                                                                                               Oncology Outpatient and Day-patient Setting

                                    F-P3.25 KS LI           Physiotherapist I Department of Physiotherapy,     A Guideline Driven Physiotherapy Programme
                                                                                    United Christian Hospital  Facilitates the Care of Chronic Obstructive
                                                                                                               Pulmonary Disease Patients with Acute Hypercapnic
                                                                                                               Respiratory Failure under Non-Invasive Ventilation
                                                                                                               Programme in United Christian Hospital

                                    F-P3.26 YC LO           Advanced        Department of Anaesthesia and Electronic Peri-operative Documentation
                                                            Practice Nurse  Operating Theatre Services,
                                                                            Tseung Kwan O Hospital

                                    F-P3.27  LOONG Hong-nin Registered      Department of Medicine, Queen The Effectiveness of an Osteoporosis Patient
                                             Connie         Nurse           Mary Hospital                      Empowerment Programme — for Better Bone Health

                                    F-P3.28 LUI Chun-tat    Associate       Accident and Emergency             A Model of Enhanced Shared Care Programme for
                                                            Consultant      Department, Tuen Mun Hospital Management of Neonatal Jaundice

                                    F-P3.29  NG KK Marcus   Advanced        Central Sterile Supplies           Development of Computerised Instrument Recording
                                                            Practice Nurse  Department, Queen Mary             System in Central Sterile Supplies Department

                                    F-P3.30  PANG Shuk-yi   Advanced        Department of Surgery,             Improving Patient’s Skin Integrity by Using Skin
                                                            Practice Nurse  Department of Orthopaedics         Barrier Products in Three Surgical Stream Wards
                                                                            and Traumatology, Ruttonjee
                                                                            and Tang Siu Kin Hospitals

                                    F-P3.31  POON Chui-yuk Ward Manager Department of Surgery, Shatin Adopt “Lean” Approach to Implement Closed Enteral
                                             Mabel                          Hospital                           Feeding System in Shatin Hospital

                                    F-P3.32  SIN Ming-wai   Advanced        Department of Anaesthesia and UNITY — a Common Language for Clinical Handover
                                             Simmy          Practice Nurse  Operating Theatre, Tseung Kwan Between Multiple Settings Inside the Operating
                                                                            O Hospital                         Theatre

                                    F-P3.33  TAM Kam-chiu   Occupational    Occupational Therapy               Outcomes of Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation in
                                                            Therapist II    Department, Kowloon Hospital       Hong Kong: Results from a Retrospective Review of
                                                                                                               a Seven-Year Cohort

                                    F-P3.34  TAM Wai-wan    Advanced        Department of Orthopaedic          Quality Improvement of Clinical Practices to Reduce
                                             Vivian         Practice Nurse  and Traumatology, Princess         Transmission of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
                                                                            Margaret Hospital                  Aureus and Multi-drug Resistant Acinetobacter in
                                                                                                               Orthopaedic Wards

                                    F-P3.35  TANG Siu-wai   Ward Manager    Department of Medicine and         Recharging the Body to Promote General Well-being
                                                                            Rehabilitation, Tung Wah
                                                                            Eastern Hospital

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