Page 60 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
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HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016  Service Enhancement Presentations

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    F-P4 Clinical Safety and Quality Service II

                                    Location Name          Post                       Institution                    Topic of Presentation

                                    F-P4.1   CHAN Chun-man Associate                  Department of Medicine and     Screening Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in
                                             Jones         Consultant                 Therapeutics, Prince of Wales  Older Hospital Inpatients: Applying Beers Criteria to
                                                                                      Hospital                       CDARS Database

                                    F-P4.2   CHAN Kai-kei  Advanced                   Department of Medicine and     Bedside Water Swallowing Test is Safe and Feasible
                                                           Practice Nurse             Therapeutics, Prince of Wales  for Acute Stroke Patients

                                    F-P4.3   CHAN Tsz-fung Resident                   Pharmacy Department, Queen     Establishment of a Centralised Electronic Database
                                                                      Pharmacist      Elizabeth Hospital             for Documenting Drug-related Problems and
                                                                                                                     Clinical Pharmacists’ Interventions and a Pooled,
                                                                                                                     Retrospective Analysis in Queen Elizabeth Hospital

                                    F-P4.4   CHAN Yi       Advanced                   Department of Surgery, North   Bath-Linen-Equipment Infection Control
                                                           Practice Nurse             District Hospital              Improvement Programme is Effective in Controlling
                                                                                                                     Multi-drug Resistant Organisms

                                    F-P4.5   CHANG Ming-yan Resident                  Department of Pharmacy, Alice Clinical Implications of Pharmacist Interventions
                                                                      Pharmacist      Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital on Drug Administration for Geriatric Patients with


                                    F-P4.6   CHANG Wai-yee Advanced                   Department of Orthopaedics     Pre-operative Use of 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate
                                                                      Practice Nurse  and Traumatology, Yan Chai     Bath Cloth Reduces the Surgical Site Infection After
                                                                                      Hospital                       Total Knee Replacement Surgery

                                    F-P4.7   CHENG Lai-ping Advanced                  Department of Medicine, Tung   Pharmacist-Nurse Collaboration to Enhance Quality
                                                                      Practice Nurse  Wah Eastern Hospital           and Safe Drug Administration in Tung Wah Eastern

                                    F-P4.8   CHENG Man-ka Clinical                    Department of Pharmacy,        The Use of E Hospital Care to Enhance Medication
                                                                      Pharmacist      Queen Mary Hospital            Safety in Outpatient Pharmaceutical Care

                                    F-P4.9   WM CHEUNG     Associate                  Medicine and Geriatrics, Caritas Pilot Trial of a New Clinical Handover System in the
                                                           Consultant                 Medical Centre                 Department of Medicine and Geriatrics

                                    F-P4.10  CK CHING      Service Director Department of Medicine, Tseung Enhancing the Standard of Care for Ventilated
                                                           (Quality and               Kwan O Hospital                Patients in General Wards
                                                           Safety) Consultant

                                    F-P4.11  KH CHOI       Registered                 Department of Surgery, Caritas Fall Prevention Programme in Surgical Department
                                                           Nurse                      Medical Centre

                                    F-P4.12  CHOW Ka-wing Pharmacist                  Department of Pharmacy, Prince Enhancing the Quality and Safety of Management of
                                             Kathy                                    of Wales Hospital              Investigational Medicinal Products at Prince of Wales

                                    F-P4.13  CHU Kit-yee Kitty Pharmacist             Pharmacy Department, Queen     Implementation of Ward-based Pharmacist
                                                                                      Elizabeth Hospital             Medication Review in High Risk Geriatric Patients —
                                                                                                                     Observational Study of Drug-related Problems

                                    F-P4.14  FAN Sheung-yin Pharmacist                Department of Pharmacy,        A Randomised Controlled Trial on the Clinical
                                                                                      Pamela Youde Nethersole        Outcome of Piperacillin – Tazobactam Prolonged
                                                                                      Eastern Hospital               Infusion

                                    F-P4.15  FONG Salina   Advanced                   Wards, Our Lady of Maryknoll   Enhance Unique Patient Identification for
                                                           Practice Nurse             Hospital                       Outpatients Undergoing Invasive Procedure in
                                                                                                                     Outpatient Department, Ambulatory Centre and X-ray

                                    F-P4.16  HO Sau-yee    Advanced                   Department of Medicine, Pamela Empowerment of Patients with Diabetes on Self-care
                                                           Practice Nurse             Youde Nethersole Eastern       and Exercise Therapy through a Diabetes Nurse-led
                                                                                      Hospital                       Service

                                    F-P4.17  KWAN Wai-man Nurse                       Bradbury Hospice               A Continuous Quality Improvement Project to
                                             Cecilia       Consultant                                                Enhance Nutrition Care for Palliative Patients

                                    F-P4.18  KWOK Yick-ting Manager                   Quality and Safety Division,   A Cluster-wide Patient Safety Programme in
                                             Andy                                     Tuen Mun Hospital              Reducing the Number of Models of Oxygen
                                                                                                                     Regulators and Enhancing Staff Competency on
                                                                                                                     Their Use
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