Page 34 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
P. 34


                                    Wednesday, 4 May 2016 | Room 421

                                    09:00 – 10:15         Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations                                                               F5

                                    10:15 – 10:45  Chairpersons:	Dr KM CHOY
                                    10:45 – 12:00  	 Chief Manager, Service Transformation, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                                   	 Dr Guotong XIE
                                    12:00 – 13:15  	 STSM, Manager, Cognitive Healthcare, IBM Research – China, The People’s Republic of China
                                    13:15 – 14:30
                                                   F5.1	  The Impact of Patient Artwork on Public Perception towards People with Intellectual Disability/CHAN C et al.
                                    14:30 – 15:45  F5.2	  Use of 2% Aqueous Chlorhexidine Swabstick in Treating Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Exit-site Granuloma — a Case Series
                                                   F5.3	  Study/HUI YH et al.
                                    15:45 – 16:15  F5.4	  Patient-centred Approach to Improve Education Strategy with Warfarin Therapy: Learning from Patients’ Experience/LAU
                                    16:15 – 18:30  F5.5	  MMC et al.
                                                   F5.6	  Cultivation of Self-compassion and Mindfulness through Mobile Applications for the Promotion of Mental Well-being:
                                                   F5.7	  A Randomised Controlled Trial/LUI WS et al.
                                                          Pressurised Irrigation versus Swabbing Method in Cleansing Wounds Healed by Secondary Intention: A Randomised
                                                          Controlled Trial with Cost-effectiveness Analysis/MAK SS et al.
                                                          Preliminary Result of a Multi-centre Randomised Controlled Trial on Abridged Illness Management and Recovery
                                                          Programme (AIMR) for Patient with Schizophrenia/WONG HK et al.
                                                          Unpredicted Visits of the Emergency Department Due to Medications? Can We Prevent It?/WONG KCV et al.

                                                                      Speed Presentation (Room S222-S228)

                                                                                                   Tea Break

                                                                                                   Managing Service Demands                                           F6

                                                   Chairpersons:	Dr Beatrice CHENG
                                                   	 Hospital Chief Executive, Cheshire Home, Chung Hom Kok, Ruttonjee and Tang Siu Kin Hospitals and Tung Wah

                                                                       Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong
                                                   	 Dr Cissy YU
                                                   	 Hospital Chief Executive, Tung Wah Hospital, Hong Kong

                                                   F6.1	  Effectiveness of Fast-track Arthroplasty Programme to Enhance Recovery through Multidisciplinary Collaboration/CHAN
                                                   F6.2	  PK et al.
                                                   F6.3	  Enhancing Management of “Category A” Emergency Operation Booking to Optimise Care and Use of Scarce Resources —
                                                   F6.4	  Pilot Study/CHEANG SN et al.
                                                   F6.5	  Does Standardised Rehabilitation and Discharge Planning Improved Functional Outcome and Efficiency of Care in
                                                   F6.6	  Geriatric Hip Fractures/LAW SW et al.
                                                   F6.7	  Express Queue Under Express Dispensing System Cuts Pharmacy Waiting Time by 48-61% for Single-item 	Prescriptions
                                                          at Peak Hours/LAU LF et al.
                                                          A Structured Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Model for Trigger Fingers (彈指有法 ): Cost-effectiveness and Sustainability/
                                                          CHUNG M et al.
                                                          Pilot Findings on Agile Development of Management Information Portal — Beta Version of Management Dashboard/TONG
                                                          AYH et al.
                                                          Chronic Disease Trajectory — a Tool for Patient Care and Demand Management/WOO PPS et al.


                                                                                                   Committed and Happy Staff                                          F7

                                                   Chairpersons:	Mr James GROSE
                                                   	 Architectual Consultant, Australia
                                                   	 Ms Katherine SHIU
                                                   	 Chief Manager (Human Resources), Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

                                                   F7.1	  Healthy Staff through “Care for the Carer” Workshops/CHAN CSK et al.
                                                   F7.2	  Factors Affecting Perceived Health and Wellness of Nursing Students at Hospital Authority/CHENG TW et al.
                                                   F7.3	  Retention of Newly Graduated Nurses through an Enhanced In-house Comprehensive Orientation and Preceptorship
                                                   F7.4	  Programme in Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Queen Mary Hospital/CHOI YY et al.
                                                   F7.5	  Staff Wellness Programme in Small Team Approach to Engage Oncology Nursing Team in Clinical Oncology 	Department
                                                   F7.6	  of Queen Mary Hospital/KONG KH et al.
                                                   F7.7	  Exercise Consultation and Prescription Service in Kowloon West Cluster Hospitals/SO E et al.
                                                          A Proactive Approach to Reduce Sharps Injuries: Promoting 3V Safe Sharps Behaviour for Operating Theatre/TANG OS
                                                          et al.
                                                          Hand Hygiene Campaign in Siu Lam Hospital — a Participative and Transdisciplinary Approach/TSO S et al.

                                                                      Young HA Investigators Presentations                                                            F8

                                                   Chairpersons:	Dr Christina MAW
                                                   	 Chief Manager (Primary and Community Services), Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                                   	 Dr Flora TSANG
                                                   	 Manager (Strategy and Service Planning), Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

                                                   F8.1	  Normative Data of Chopsticks Manipulation of Aged 6 to 15 Years in Hong Kong/CHAN PSC et al.
                                                   F8.2	  A Web-based Intensive Care Unit Consultation System with Structured Reply Generation/HO JKY et al.
                                                   F8.3	  An Innovative Strategy to Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance: Use of Evidenced-based Hand Hygiene Bundled
                                                   F8.4	  Intervention/LAM CW et al.
                                                   F8.5	  Nurse Performed Ultrasonography in Confirming the Position of Nasogastric Tube in Emergency Department: A
                                                   F8.6	  Prospective Single Group Diagnostic Test Study/TAI PH et al.
                                                   F8.7	  Make Chatting Secure with HA Chat — Phase One Pilot Trial/TAN J et al.
                                                          Healthcare Innovation Project — Develop Defaulter Management System to Improve Psychiatric Follow-up 	
                                                          Compliance/TSE PYF et al.
                                                          Functional and Psychosocial Effect of Health Qigong in Patients with Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain: A
                                                          Phase II Randomised Controlled Trial/WONG KK et al.

                                                                      Speed Presentation (Room S222-S228)

                                                                                                   Tea Break

                                                                                                   Convention Hall

                                                                      Presentation of Awards and Closing Ceremony

                                                          Presentation of Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Display Awards
                                                                 Presentation of HA Outstanding Staff and Teams Award 2016

                                    * Simultaneous Interpretation: English/Putonghua 即時傳譯:英文/普通話         Information as at 12 April 2016. Please check the latest directory at the venue.

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