Page 30 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
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                                    Wednesday, 4 May 2016 | Theatre 2

                                    09:00 – 10:15  Special Topic VIII – Nursing: Helping the Elder Patients in the Community                                               T8

                                                   Chairperson:	 Prof Diana LEE
                                                                      Hospital Authority Board Member, Hong Kong

                                                   T8.1	 Enabling Elders to Stay Active and Healthy in Our Community: Health Promotion in Diets and Physical Activities
                                                             Prof Alfred CM CHAN, Chairperson, Equal Opportunities Commission, Hong Kong

                                                   T8.2	 Hong Kong Community Nursing Service: Past, Present and Future
                                                             Ms May CHAN, Department Operations Manager, Community Nursing Service and Community Health, Kowloon West
                                                             Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

                                                   T8.3	 Strengthening Parenting of Mothers with Depression in Community Psychiatric Services
                                                             Ms Glendy IP, Nurse Consultant (Community Psychiatry), Kwai Chung Hospital, Hong Kong

                                    10:15 – 10:45                      Speed Presentation (S222-S228)

                                                                       Tea Break

                                    10:45 – 12:00  Masterclass 12 – Diagnosis Before Birth: For Mothers and for Babies                                                     M12

                                                   Chairperson:	 Dr WC LEUNG
                                                                      Chief of Service, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong

                                                   M12.1	 Gestational Age Specific Thyroid Function Test Reference Intervals — Controversies and Solutions
                                                             Prof WH TAM, Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

                                                   M12.2	 Discussion: Non-invasive Prenatal Testing as Primary Screening for Down Syndrome
                                                             Dr TK LO, Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong
                                                             Dr LW LAW, Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

                                    12:00 – 13:15                      Lunch

                                    13:15 – 14:30                      Special Topic XIV – Simulation Training                                                             T14

                                                   Chairperson: Dr Deacons YEUNG
                                                                     Hospital Chief Executive, Pok Oi Hospital, Hong Kong

                                                   T14.1	 The Role of Simulation in Postgraduate Clinical Training
                                                             Dr PP CHEN, Chief of Service, Anaesthesia and Operating Services, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, Hong Kong

                                                   T14.2	 Development of Transport Medicine Training in Hospital Authority
                                                             Dr TS CHUNG, Associate Consultant, Accident and Emergency Department, Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals,
                                                             Hong Kong

                                                   T14.3	 Understanding Complex Cardiac Interventions — Simulation for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
                                                             Dr Michael KY LEE, Consultant, Medicine Department, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong

                                    14:30 – 15:45                      Special Topic XVII – Health IT                                                                      T17

                                                   Chairperson:	 Mr Kevin CAI
                                                                      Chief Information Officer, Information Technology and Health Informatics Division, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

                                                   T17.1	 Personalised, Evidence-based, Outcome-driven Healthcare Empowered by IBM Cognitive Computing Technologies
                                                             Dr Guotong XIE, STSM, Manager, Cognitive Healthcare, IBM Research – China, The People’s Republic of China

                                                   T17.2	 Innovation and Mobile Friendly Architecture for Hospital Authority
                                                             Mr HL HUI, Senior System Manager, System Architecture Unit, Information Technology and Health Informatics Division,
                                                             Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

                    15:45 – 16:15                                            Speed Presentation (S222-S228)
                    16:15 – 18:30                                                        Poster Viewing
                                                                                            Tea Break
28                                                                                      Convention Hall

                                                                   Presentation of Awards and Closing Ceremony
                                                   Presentation of Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Display Awards

                                                          Presentation of HA Outstanding Staff and Teams Award 2016

                                                                                                                 Information as at 12 April 2016. Please check the latest directory at the venue.
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