Page 29 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
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Programme by Day                                                                                               HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

                                               Wednesday, 4 May 2016 | Theatre 1

09:00 – 10:15  Special Topic VII – Towards Excellence in Hospital Planning and Design                                                     T7

               Chairperson:	 Dr YH CHONG
                                  Hospital Chief Executive, Hong Kong Buddhist Hospital and TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital, Hong Kong

               T7.1	 Evidence-based Design of an Emergency Department for the Future — a Personal Journey
                         Dr LS QUEK, Head and Senior Consultant, Emergency Department, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Singapore 

               T7.2	 People First: Human-centred Hospital Design in an Era of Digital Diagnostics, Robotics and Data
                         Mr John LYON, Medical Planner, NBBJ, USA

               T7.3	 Innovations in Hospital Design for Comprehensive Cancer Centres
                         Mr James GROSE, Architectual Cousultant, Australia

10:15 – 10:45  Speed Presentation (S222-S228)

               Tea Break

10:45 – 12:00  Symposium 8 – Service Reorganisation                                                                                       S8

               Chairperson:	 Prof Raymond LIANG
                                  Hospital Authority Board Member, Hong Kong

               S8.1	 Story of Consolidation — Centralisation of a Pathology Service
                         Mr Chris CHARLTON, Pathology Service Manager, Pathology Department, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong

               S8.2	 Beyond Service Reorganisation. What Role of Central Recruitment Can Play?
                         Dr FC PANG, Chief Manager (Medical Grade), Cluster Services Division, Hospital Authority Head Office, Hong Kong

12:00 – 13:15  Lunch

13:15 – 14:30  Special Topic XIII – Challenges of Biomedical Ethics in Modern Medicine: From Training to Practice                         T13

               Chairperson:	 Prof Francis CHAN
                                  Hospital Authority Board Member, Hong Kong

               T13.1	 Is Medical Ethics a Teachable Subject?
                         Prof Gavin JOYNT, Chairman, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

               T13.2	 How to Continue Biomedical Ethics Education at the Postgraduate Level
                         Prof Shekhar KUMTA, Executive Director, Centre for Bioethics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

               T13.3	 Am I My Genes?: Challenges in Understanding and Incorporating Genetics into Healthcare
                         Prof Robert KLITZMAN, Professor, Psychiatry Department, Columbia University, USA

14:30 – 15:45  Symposium 11 – Improving Clinical Effectiveness                                                                            S11

               Chairperson:	 Dr Nancy TUNG
                                  Cluster Chief Executive, Kowloon West Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

               S11.1	 Using Technology-enabled Smart Systems to Improve the Value of Care
                         Prof Arnold MILSTEIN, Director, Clinical Excellence Research Centre, Stanford University, USA

               S11.2	 Scope of Clinical Practice: The Critical Role of the Capacity and Capability of the Healthcare Facility
                         Dr Donna O’SULLIVAN, Executive Director (Medical Service), Metro North Hospital and Health Service, Brisbane, Australia

               S11.3	 Role of Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation in Helping the Sick Kids of Melbourne
                         Mr Peter YATES, Chairman, Royal Children’s Hospital Federation, Australia

15:45 – 16:15                            Speed Presentation (S222-S228)
16:15 – 18:30                                        Poster Viewing
                                                        Tea Break
                                                    Convention Hall

                               Presentation of Awards and Closing Ceremony
               Presentation of Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Display Awards

                      Presentation of HA Outstanding Staff and Teams Award 2016

                                                                            Information as at 12 April 2016. Please check the latest directory at the venue.

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