Page 165 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
P. 165
T9.3 Impact of Ageing Population 10:45 Convention Hall A
Opportunities from Longevity: The Singapore Perspective
Lee CE
Changi General Hospital, Singapore
Singapore faces similar demographic challenge with Hong Kong. With falling birth rate and increasing longevity, Singapore
and Hong Kong will be ageing rapidly over the next decade. By 2030, about one in four Singapore citizens will be aged 65
years and above. However, we have longer and healthier lives. In Singapore, our average healthy years rose from 65.3 years
in 1990 to 70.8 years in 2013 for males. For females, this rose from 68.5 years to 73.4 years over the same period. Thus, we
do not view ageing as all doom and gloom, but one filled with opportunities arising from our longevity. With this in mind, the
Ministerial Committee on Ageing (MCA) announced the Action Plan for Successful Ageing in August last year and released the
full report in February this year. This Action Plan covers over 70 initiatives spanning across 12 areas. Through this action plan,
we seek to enable individuals to tap onto the opportunities from longevity and for Singaporeans to live healthier lives so as to
continue to contribute economically and socially for as long as they wish. We also want to create an inclusive community in
Singapore with inter-generational harmony symbolising a city for all ages, where seniors can age confidently and gracefully.
Wednesday, 4 May