Novel measures to cope with winter surge
In face of upcoming winter surge, the Hospital Authority (HA) has drawn up new initiatives to cope with rising service demand.
68,000 additional quotas for GOPC PPP
Between December 2019 and April 2020, the HA will offer two additional subsidised quotas to over 34,000 patients of the General Outpatient Clinic Public‑Private Partnership programme (GOPC PPP) without deducting the 10 annual quotas. One course of antiviral drug Tamiflu per patient as clinically indicated will also be included, so they may quickly consult private practitioners in the programme at their convenience.
Rapid flu tests for paediatric patients
A multiplex PCR assay will be introduced to support paediatricians for detecting a panel of respiratory viruses and bacteria, in addition to influenza A and influenza B viruses, for paediatric patients with influenza-like illnesses symptoms. The rapid test service will be provided seven days a week with test results available within 24 hours so as to expedite patient management decision.
New e-system makes SHS application easy
With the launch of a new module ‘myAllowance’ in HR App, in addition to existing application channels, it enables staff applying for Special Honorarium Scheme (SHS) jobs, viewing for duty assigned and checking for duty attended with a simple tap on a smartphone; department supervisors can also process SHS attendance easier online. It is hoped that the e-system can streamline the entire workflow, facilitating staff participation in SHS easily. The system is currently under gradual trial implementation. Stay tuned when your department joins!
Enhanced SHS flexibility and terms
The HA will enhance terms of SHS between 1 December 2019 and 31 May 2020. SHS sessions can be arranged for operation need of minimum one hour, and the rate of allowance will be offered according to respective senior clinical ranks to strengthen senior coverage. From 1 January to 3 May 2020, the rate of SHS allowance will increase by 10%. From 27 January to 3 May 2020, the rate will increase by 20% for special programmes, including discharge programmes, Accident & Emergency and GOPC sessions on Sundays and public holidays, as well as nursing and supporting staff for the operation of inpatient wards at night.
In addition, the Staff Vaccination Rate Award will be held again this year in seven clusters with a view to encouraging our staff members to take a flu jab for protection. There will also be a new Photo Campaign Award with the themes ‘Cheerful Campaign’ and ‘Touching Moments’. Details and application forms are available on the Intranet. The submission deadline is 31 January 2020 and the winners will be announced mid-2020. Act now!

● Treasure trees of life with respect
● Saplings with blessings bright up lives
● New funding to improve service quality through technology upgrade
● Win patients’ heart with thoughtful ideas
● Retiring Chairman salutes to colleagues’ dedication
● Hospitals as sanctuaries of faith and hope (1)
● Hospitals as sanctuaries of faith and hope (2)
● Recommendations submitted to the HA Board on streamlining management processes
● Novel measures to cope with winter surge
● Battle against antimicrobial resistance
● Happy share on Staff Co-op Shop’s new double joys
● Check in @ 28.5m graffiti wall #KCH