Retiring Chairman salutes to colleagues’ dedication
Professor John Leong Chi-yan, first appointed to the HA Board in 1990, is stepping down after six years as chairman. He will be succeeded by Mr Henry Fan Hung-ling in December. Preparing for retirement, Prof Leong says he has been deeply moved by colleagues’ professionalism and commitment in delivering quality patient services despite challenges and difficulties. “I thank all HA colleagues for standing shoulder to shoulder with me throughout my years as chairman and contributing to improving public healthcare in Hong Kong. I salute to you all!”
Weekly brainstorm meetings are memorable
“In the past six years, I have witnessed HA evolving into a wholesome organisation. Our ability to adapt, change, and triumph in the face of ever-changing social conditions is testament to the strength of HA, which keeps moving forward and striving for new heights. For example, during the winter surge when service demand peaks, colleagues often proactively resolve issues with innovative approaches in spite of resource constraints,” says Prof Leong.
Maintaining communication with 80,000 employees is a daunting task. “I treasure the meetings with Head Office directors and cluster chief executives every Wednesday morning where we discuss corporate directions and policies,” Prof Leong talks vividly about the weekly Directors’ Meeting. Although he has more frequent contact with senior management, he is mindful that younger colleagues are always keen to reflect their opinions to management. To broaden the scope and reach of communication to all staff in HA, Prof Leong has discussed with former and current Chief Executive the possibility of organising forums targeting at younger members of staff.
Training world-class doctors is crux
HA is a cradle of training for world-class doctors. When Prof Leong took the helm at the HA in 2013, he made training of young doctors to the best international standards one of his key objectives. Considering talented medics as HA’s most precious asset, the outgoing chairman believes learning state-of-the-art technologies through overseas training is the key to raising the standard of healthcare services in Hong Kong. Doctors, be they frontline or experienced consultants and professors, should receive continuous training to help them use cutting-edge technology to improve the quality of patient care, he mentions.
Under Prof Leong’s leadership, a Central Training and Development Committee was set up in October 2015 in response to the Action Plan of the Recommendations of the Steering Committee on Review of Hospital Authority conducted by the Government to advise on policies and monitor resource allocation so as to create greater consistency, parity, and transparency in training programmes.
Manpower shortage has been an issue, especially in recent years. “I understand patient demand is often beyond our capability, yet we always strive to meet patients’ needs,” he says. “We have put forward a variety of measures to retain talent, like the Special Retired and Rehire Scheme, locum scheme, and public-private partnership programmes. With the number of chronic patients growing due to ageing population, I have proposed to Secretary for Food and Health Professor Sophia Chan the possibility of referring these patients for follow-up treatment in the community. Adopting a modern model of care of chronic diseases can ease the burden on our specialist out-patient clinics.”
Prof Leong’s successor Mr Henry Fan will succeed as chairman for two years on 1 December. Prof Leong is confident that Mr Fan’s leadership and expertise in corporate management will lead HA to new heights.
Prof Leong appeals to all colleagues, both current and retired, to draw on their experience and continue to make suggestions on how Hong Kong can further improve its standards of healthcare when facing future challenges. “Every contribution counts,” he says. After his chairmanship ends, Prof Leong looks forward to every moment with his beloved family and lovely dog.

● Treasure trees of life with respect
● Saplings with blessings bright up lives
● New funding to improve service quality through technology upgrade
● Win patients’ heart with thoughtful ideas
● Retiring Chairman salutes to colleagues’ dedication
● Hospitals as sanctuaries of faith and hope (1)
● Hospitals as sanctuaries of faith and hope (2)
● Recommendations submitted to the HA Board on streamlining management processes
● Novel measures to cope with winter surge
● Battle against antimicrobial resistance
● Happy share on Staff Co-op Shop’s new double joys
● Check in @ 28.5m graffiti wall #KCH