Learn from dietitians: eat healthy
Queen Mary Hospital (QMH) organises weight reduction classes every month for overweight patients aged 18 to 65 years old referred by doctors. Dietitians teach patients how to choose suitable food and suggest healthy menus, give cooking demonstration on high fibre, low sugar and low fat dishes; and physiotherapists recommend fitness exercises. Besides, patients can also make separate appointments to consult dietitians for follow-up.
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital and Tai Po Hospital Community Relations Committee held a ‘Weight management programme’ activity day for citizens in the district who are aged 18 to 65 with BMI higher than 25 and with no long-term use of drugs. Activities include health talk on nutrition, individual guidance by dietitian on self-monitoring of diet, cooking demonstration by catering manager, and physiotherapist teaching home exercises. Dietitians also follow up on participants’ diet after the activity day.

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