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HA Statistics

Major Statistics

Inpatient and Day Inpatient Services Throughput
Number of Hospital Beds by Specialty and Cluster / Hospital (as at 31 March of respective years)
Number of Discharges and Deaths by Cluster / Hospital
Number of Discharges and Deaths by Age Group and Gender
Number of Patient Days by Cluster / Hospital
Number of Patient Days by Age Group and Gender
Number of Discharges and Deaths, Patient Days, Bed Occupancy Rate and Average Length of Stay for Inpatients of General Specialties by Cluster
Number of Allied Health (Inpatient and Day Inpatient) Attendances by Allied Health Department and Cluster / Hospital
Number of Inpatient and Day Inpatient Discharges and Deaths in Hospitals under the Hospital Authority by Disease Group
Ambulatory and Community Services Throughput
Number of Accident and Emergency Attendances by Cluster / Hospital
Number of Accident and Emergency Attendances by Age Group and Gender
Number of Specialist Outpatient (Clinical) Attendances by Major Specialty and Cluster / Clinic
Number of Specialist Outpatient (Clinical) Attendances by Age Group and Gender
Number of General Outpatient Attendances, Family Medicine Specialist Clinic Attendances and Primary Care Attendances by Cluster / Clinic
Number of General Outpatient Attendances, Family Medicine Specialist Clinic Attendances and Primary Care Attendances by Age Group and Gender
Number of Allied Health (Outpatient) Attendances by Allied Health Department and Cluster / Clinic
Number of Geriatric Day Attendances by Cluster / Hospital
Number of Psychiatric Day Attendances by Cluster / Hospital
Number of Rehabilitation Day and Palliative Care Day Attendances by Cluster / Hospital
Number of Community Nurse Attendances by Cluster
Number of Allied Health (Community) Attendances by Cluster
Number of Psychiatric Outreach Attendances by Cluster
Key Statistics during Service Demand Surge
Public Hospitals Key Statistics during Service Demand Surge
Manpower Position - Number of Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Staff
Manpower Position - Number of Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Staff (by Cluster)
Manpower Position - Number of Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Staff (by Staff Group)
Key Financial Information of Hospital Authority
Key Income and Expenditure items of Hospital Authority
Chinese Medicine Clinics cum Training and Research Centres Service Throughput
Number of Annual Attendances by Chinese Medicine Clinics cum Training and Research Centres
Statistics on Selected Endoscopic Procedures
Statistics on Selected Endoscopic Procedures by Cluster / Hospital
Statistics on Cancer
Cancer Incidence Data - Number of new cases, crude and age-standardized incidence rate of all cancers by sex
Cancer Mortality Data - Number of deaths, crude and age-standardized mortality rate of all cancers by sex

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