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News & Events

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Tuen Mun Hospital School of General Nursing Admissions

2025-03-03 - 2025-08-08 – Tuen Mun Hospital School of General Nursing Admissions

Hospital Authority Professional Diploma in Nursing Programme
3.5-Year Full Time Programme
(Qualifications Framework Level 5)

Open for Application from 3 March to 8 August 2025

Tuen Mun Hospital School of General Nursing Admissions

2024-04-29 - 2024-08-09 – Tuen Mun Hospital School of General Nursing Admissions

Hospital Authority Professional Diploma in Nursing Programme
3.5-YearFull Time Programme
(Qualifications Framework Level 5)

Open for Application from 29 April to 19 July 2024*
* Application period extended to 9 August 2024 (Friday)

Tuen Mun Hospital School of General Nursing Admissions

2023-06-05 - 2023-07-21 – Tuen Mun Hospital School of General Nursing Admissions

Hospital Authority Professional Diploma in Nursing Programme
4-Year Full Time Programme (Qualifications Framework Level 5)
Open for Application from 5 June to 21 July 2023


2021-09-03 - 2021-09-30 – 「醫社同行」共建認知障礙症支援網絡


日期:2021年9月3日至 30日


Life & Death Education Forum 2020 - DEATHTALK (Zoom)<br/>(The program is conducted in Cantonese.)

2020-12-11 – Life & Death Education Forum 2020 - DEATHTALK (Zoom)
(The program is conducted in Cantonese.)

Date:11th December, 2020 (Friday)
Plenary Session One: 10:00 - 11:30
Content & Speaker:
1. Life and Death Education in community - Why? (Dr K C TAO)
2. Life & Death Education & End-of-life Care (Dr T W AU YEUNG)
Plenary Session Two: 14:00 - 15:00
Content & Speaker:
1. Theory & Application on Life & Death Education (Dr Amy CHOW)
Parallel Session One & Two: 11:40 - 13:50
Content: Sharing of Life & Death Education Program for different clienteles
Parallel Session Three & Four: 15:10 - 17:20
Content: Multi-disciplinary on Life & Death Education
Target:All helping professional
Enrollment:Please contact staff of POH Patient Resources Centre on 2486 8402

Life & Death Education Forum 2019 - ACP in Action<br/>(The program is conducted in Cantonese.)

2019-12-13 – Life & Death Education Forum 2019 - ACP in Action
(The program is conducted in Cantonese.)

Date:13th December, 2019 (Friday)
Venue:Auditorium, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content & Speaker:
  1. Volunteer Involvement in Life and Death Education
    (Dr Vivian Lau)
  2. Spiritual and Life & Death Education
    (Dr K S Wong
  3. Panel discussion
    (Dr T W Au Yeung)
Target:All helping professionals
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:Please contact staff of POH Patient Resources Centre on 2486 8402

Life and Death Professional Training Program – Advanced Care Plan in Action (the program is conducted in Cantonese)

2019-11-01, 08, 15, 22 – Life and Death Professional Training Program – Advanced Care Plan in Action (the program is conducted in Cantonese)

Date:(1) 1/11/2019 & 8/11/2019
(2) 15/11/2019 & 22/11/2019
Time:(1) 1430 -1730
(2) 0930 - 1630
Venue:(1) School Chapel, Lingnan University
(2) Pok Oi Hospital Patient Resources Centre
Content:1/11/2019 & 8/11/2019: Talk on ACP
15/11/2019 & 22/11/2019: Workshop and experience sharing on ACP
Speaker:1/11/2019: Professor Helen Chan
8/11/2019: Dr Benjamin Cheng
15/11/2019: Ms Kimmy Lam & Ms Red Chan
22/11/2019: Ms Lee Man Man & Mr Peter Lau
Target:All helping professionals in NTWC
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:Please refer to the QR code on the poster or contact staff of POH Patient Resources Centre at 2486 8401.

Pharmacy talk on DM medicine

2019-07-22 – Pharmacy talk on DM medicine

Date:22nd July 2019 (Monday)
Time:2:30 - 4:00 pm
Venue:Patient Resources Centre, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Introduce knowledge and medication skills of diabetes medicine, reinforce ability of managing diabetes as well as promote health
Speaker:Pharmacist of Pok Oi Hospital
Target:NTWC DM patients, relatives and general public
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:2486 8402 Patient Resources Centre

Hospital Youth volunteer 2019

2019-07-06 – Hospital Youth volunteer 2019

Date:6th July, 2019(Saturday)
Venue:Patient Resources Centre, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Enjoy summer holiday with being volunteer in Hospital! Patient Resources Centres of Pok Oi Hospital and Tin Shui Wai Hospital are recruiting youth volunteer. Welcome all young people that are 15 year old or above to join our big family! Trained volunteer may experience in the volunteer services in Hospital, such as patient support and visit, organizing health promotion program, patient enquiry, volunteer in pharmacy department, clerical work etc.
Speaker:ICN(NTWC), Social worker of Patient Resources Centres, Pok Oi Hospital and Tin Shui wai Hospital
Target:Age 15 or above
Enrollment:Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital 2486 8402

DM Club- mutual help group for Diabetic patient

2019-06-10, 17, 24 – DM Club- mutual help group for Diabetic patient

Date:10th, 17th, 24th June, 2019(Monday)
Venue:Interview room, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:You are welcomed to join the group for learning how to use ”DM Care” mobile application in DM disease management.
Speaker:APN of DM Centre NTWC, Social worker of Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:DM patient and relative in NTWC
Enrollment:Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital 2486 8402

“DM dance” exercise class for Diabetic patient

2019-05-03 - 2019-06-28 – “DM dance” exercise class for Diabetic patient

Date:3rd May to 28th June, 2019(Every Friday)
Venue:Patient Resource Centre, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Let’s dance! You are welcomed to join the exercise class for practicing ”DM Dance” that designed by Association of Hong Kong Diabetes Nurses and Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association.
Speaker:Social worker of Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:DM patient and relative in NTWC
Enrollment:Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital 2486 8402

Charity Walk 2018 Cum Carnival

2018-11-11 – Charity Walk 2018 Cum Carnival

Charity Walk 2018 Cum Carnival

Youth volunteer in Pok Oi Hospital 2018

2018-06-30 – Youth volunteer in Pok Oi Hospital 2018

Date:30th June, 2018(Saturday)
Venue:Patient Resources Centre, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Enjoy summer holiday with being volunteer in Pok Oi Hospital! Patient Resources Centre of Pok Oi Hospital is recruiting youth volunteer. Welcome all young people that are 15 year old or above to join our big family! Trained volunteer may experience in the volunteer services in Hospital, such as patient support and visit, organizing health promotion program, patient enquiry, volunteer in pharmacy department, clerical work etc.
Speaker:Volunteer training - ICN(NTWC), Social worker of Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:Age 15 or above
Enrollment:Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital 2486 8402

Solitude and Companion in Life, Life and Death Education Program

2017-08-18 – Solitude and Companion in Life, Life and Death Education Program

Date: 2017.8.18(Friday)
Time: 14:30-17:30
Venue: Auditorium, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: Key Note lecture and group discussion
Key note Speaker and Topic:
  • Topic: 「終老有選擇?」Speaker: Prof. FANG, Meng-sang Christine(Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong)
  • Topic: “ Advance Directive”  Speaker: Dr. Lau Sze Ting, M&G, Pok Oi Hospital
  • Topic of group discussion:
Target: Professionals ( social welfare, chaplaincy, education and medical profession) in NTWC
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: Phone – Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital 2486 8402
Email – Download Enrollment Form and email to

Pharmacy talk on DM medicine

2017-07-10 – Pharmacy talk on DM medicine

Date: 10th July 2017 (Monday)
Time: 2:30 - 4:00 pm
Venue: Patient Resources Centre, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: Introduce the latest knowledge of DM medicine
Speaker: Dr. Doris Chan, Associate Consultant, M&G, Pok Oi Hospital/ Tin Shui Wai Hospital
Target: NTWC DM patients, relatives and general public
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: 2486 8402 Patient Resources Centre

Youth volunteer in Pok Oi Hospital 2017

2017-06-24 – Youth volunteer in Pok Oi Hospital 2017

Date: 24th June, 2017(Saturday)
Time: 09:00-16:30
Venue: Patient Resources Centre, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: Enjoy summer holiday with being volunteer in Pok Oi Hospital! Patient Resources Centre of Pok Oi Hospital is recruiting youth volunteer. Welcome all young people that are 15 year old or above to join our big family! Trained volunteer may experience in the volunteer services in Hospital, such as patient support and visit, organizing health promotion program, patient enquiry, volunteer in pharmacy department, clerical work etc.
Speaker: Volunteer training – ICN(NTWC), Social worker of Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital
Target: Age 15 or above
Fee: Free
Enrollment: Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital 2486 8402

"Relax & be free": Monthly practice for Chronic ill patients

2017-06-23 – "Relax & be free": Monthly practice for Chronic ill patients

Date: 23rd June 2017 (Friday)
Time: 2:30 - 4:30 pm (2 hours)
Venue: Patient Resources Centre, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: The monthly practice provides a restful space for practicing the exercises of mindfulness, such as breathing exercise, body scan exercise, walking meditation, listening and sharing.
Speaker: Registered Social worker
Target: Chronic ill patient and relative
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: Please call 2486 8402 (POH Patient Resources Centre)

Laughter Yoga Club - Gathering on Friday

2017 – Laughter Yoga Club - Gathering on Friday

Date: Every Friday (except public holiday)
Time: Class A - 09:30-10:45   Class B - 11:15-12:30
Venue: Patient Resources Centre, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: For enhancing physical, psychological and social health, welcome to join Laughter Yoga Club in every Friday!
Speaker: Social worker of Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital
Target: Chronic ill patients and relatives
Fee: Free
Enrollment: Patient Resources Centre, Pok Oi Hospital 2486 8402

Youth volunteer in Pok Oi Hospital 2016

2016-07-15 – Youth volunteer in Pok Oi Hospital 2016

Date:15th July, 2016(Friday)
Venue:Community Health Centre, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Enjoy summer holiday with being volunteer in Pok Oi Hospital! Community Health Centre of Pok Oi Hospital is recruiting youth volunteer. Welcome all young people that are 15 year old or above to join our big family! Trained volunteer may experience in the volunteer services in Hospital, such as patient support and visit, organizing health promotion program, patient enquiry, volunteer in pharmacy department, clerical work etc.
Speaker:Volunteer training – ICN(NTWC), Social worker of Community Health Centre, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:Age 15 or above
Enrollment:Community Health Centre, Pok Oi Hospital 2486 8402

"Relax & be free": Monthly practice for Chronic ill patients

2016-06-30 – "Relax & be free": Monthly practice for Chronic ill patients

Date:30th June 2016 (Thursday)
Time:10:00 - 12:00 pm (2 hours)
Venue:Interview room, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:The monthly practice provides a restful space for practicing the exercises of mindfulness, such as breathing exercise, body scan exercise, walking meditation, listening and sharing.
Speaker:Registered Social worker
Target:Chronic ill patient and relative
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:Please call 2486 8402 (POH Community Health Centre)

"Restful Sleep": Group for Chronic ill patients with insomnia (Group 8)

2016-06-29 - 2016-08-03 – "Restful Sleep": Group for Chronic ill patients with insomnia (Group 8)

Date:29th June to 3th Aug 2016 (Every Wednesday, 6 sessions)
Time:10:00 pm - 12:30 am
Venue:Interview room, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Speaker:Registered Social Worker, Pharmacist of Pok Oi Hospital, Chinese medicine Practitioner of Chinese Medicine, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:Age 18 or above, Chronic ill patient of NTWC
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:2486 8402 Community Health Centre

Laughter Yoga Club - Gathering on Friday

2016-05 - 2016-06 – Laughter Yoga Club - Gathering on Friday

Date:Every Friday(except public holiday)
Time:Class A -09:30-10:45 Class B-11:15-12:30
Venue:Community Health Centre, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:For enhancing physical, psychological and social health, welcome to join Laughter Yoga Club in every Friday!
Speaker:Social worker of Community Health Centre, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:Chronic ill patients and relatives
Enrollment:Community Health Centre, Pok Oi Hospital 2486 8402

Emotion management course

2016-05-05 - 2016-06-16 – Emotion management course

Date: 5th May 2016 to 16th June 2016
Time:10:00am to 12:00 noon
Venue: community Health Center POH 1/F
Content:the course is based on the cognitive Behavioral therapy approach. Participants are expected to learn the skills in managing negative emotion and move towards positive thinking through understanding the interaction between emotion and thought
Speaker:registered social worker
Target:people with chronic disease and or their relatives
Fee: free of charge
Enrollment:Community health Center 24868402

Laughter Yoga Club -  Gathering on Friday

2016-03 - 2016-04 – Laughter Yoga Club - Gathering on Friday

Date:Every Friday(except public holiday)
Time:Class A -09:30-10:45 Class B-11:15-12:30
Venue:Community Health Centre, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:For enhancing physical, psychological and social health, welcome to join Laughter Yoga Club in every Friday!
Speaker:Social worker of Community Health Centre, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:Chronic ill patients and relatives
Enrollment:Community Health Centre, Pok Oi Hospital 2486 8402

Laughter Yoga Exercise Class

2015-07-08 - 2015-08-12 – Laughter Yoga Exercise Class

Date:8th Jul 2015 to 12th Aug 2015 (Every Wednesday, 6 sessions)
Time:9:30 am - 10:45 am (1 hour and 15 minutes)
Venue:Classroom1&2, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Learning and practicing Laughter Yoga
Speaker:Registered Social Worker
Target:Chronic ill patient of NTWC
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:2486 8402 Community Health Centre

"Restful Sleep": Group for Chronic ill patients with insomnia

2015-07-02 - 2015-08-06 – "Restful Sleep": Group for Chronic ill patients with insomnia

Date: 2nd Jul 2015 to 6th Aug 2015 (Every Thursday, 6 sessions)
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Venue: Interview room, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Speaker: Registered Social Worker, Pharmacist of Pok Oi Hospital, Chinese medicine Practitioner of Chinese Medicine, Pok Oi Hospital
Target: Age 18 or above, Chronic ill patient of NTWC
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: 2486 8402 Community Health Centre

"Relax & be free": Group for Chronic ill patients

2015-06-23 - 2015-07-28 – "Relax & be free": Group for Chronic ill patients

Date:23rd Jun to 28th Jul 2015 (Every Tuesday)
Time:10:00 - 12:00 pm
Venue:Interview room, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:Chronic ill patient and relative
Speaker:Registered Social worker
Fee:Free of charge
Registration:Please call 2486 8402 (POH Community Health Center)

"Restful Sleep": Group for Chronic ill patients with insomnia

2015-06-19 – "Restful Sleep": Group for Chronic ill patients with insomnia

Date:19th Jun 2015 (Friday)
Time:2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue:Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:General public
Speaker:Registered Chinese medicine practitioner
Fee:Free of charge
Registration:Please call 2486 8402 (POH Community Health Center)

Recruitment of youth volunteer in Pok Oi Hospital

2015-06-13 – Recruitment of youth volunteer in Pok Oi Hospital

Date & time of volunteer service:Jun 2015 to Aug 2015, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (depends on service need)
Venue of volunteer service:Pok Oi Hospital, Yuen Long
Date & time of volunteer training:13th June 2015(Sat), 9:30 - 5:00 pm
Venue of volunteer training:Auditorium, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:Youth (15 to 22 years old)
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:2486 8402 Community Health Centre

"Know more about Dietetics" educational talk

2015-05-15 – "Know more about Dietetics" educational talk

Date: 15th May 2015 (Friday)
Time: 2:30 - 4:00 pm
Venue: Classroom 1 & 2, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: - Share the knowledge of Dietetics
- Demonstrate the cooking methods of healthy snack
Speaker: Dietitian, POH
Target: Community
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: Please call 2486 8402 (POH Community Health Centre)

Tai Chi workshop and Celebration for birthday

2015-05-11 – Tai Chi workshop and Celebration for birthday

Date: 11th May 2015 (Monday)
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue: Classroom 1 & 2, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: Demonstrating and practicing Tai Chi exercise, and celebration for birthday of DM patients
Target: DM patients and relatives in NTWC
Fee: Free of charge (Please bring healthy snack food for sharing)
Enrollment: Please call 2486 8402 (POH Community Health Centre)

"Restful Sleep": Group for Chronic ill patients with insomnia

2015-05-06 - 2015-06-10 – "Restful Sleep": Group for Chronic ill patients with insomnia

Date: 6th May 2015 to 10th June 2015 (Every Wednesday, 6 sessions)
Time: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Venue: Interview room, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: Health talks, relaxation and breathing exercise, sharing and bring home exercise which aims at enhancing knowledge and self-help health promoting technique to improve sleep quality.
Speaker: Registered Social Worker, Pharmacist of Pok Oi Hospital, Chinese medicine Practitioner of Chinese Medicine, Pok Oi Hospital
Target: Age 18 or above, Chronic ill patient of NTWC
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: Please call 2486 8402 (POH Community Health Centre)

"Relax & be free": Monthly practice for Chronic ill patients

2015-04-23 – "Relax & be free": Monthly practice for Chronic ill patients

Date: 23rd April 2015 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 pm (2 hours)
Venue: Interview room, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: The monthly practice provides a restful space for practicing the exercises of mindfulness, such as breathing exercise, body scan exercise, walking meditation, listening and sharing.
Speaker: Registered Social worker
Target: Chronic ill patient and relative
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: Please call 2486 8402 (POH Community Health Centre)

"Gout and Arthritis" Medication talk (For elderly patients)

2014-11-24 – "Gout and Arthritis" Medication talk (For elderly patients)

Date: 24th Nov 2014 (Monday)
Time: 2:30 - 4:00 pm
Venue: Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: - Share the knowledge and precautions of using Arthritis drug
- Share the tips on drug self-management
Speaker: Pharmacist, POH
Target: Elderly patients
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: 2486 8494 Well Elderly Clinic

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program

2014-11-11 - 2014-12-16 – Chronic Disease Self-Management Program

Date:11th November to 16th December 2014 (Every Tuesday, 6 sessions)
Time:10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Venue:Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Chronic disease self-management program (CDSMP) from Stanford University USA, patient Education Research Center is a well-established psycho-educational group model on chronic disease management. The program aims at empowering participant’s competence in dealing with symptom of chronic illness and enhancing the awareness of holistic concern in living with chronic illness.
Speaker:Certified CDSMP trainer
Target:Chronic ill patient (aged 60 or above)
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:Please call Well Elderly Clinic at 2486 8494

"Relax & be Free": Group for chronic ill patients

2014-09-22 - 2014-10-27 – "Relax & be Free": Group for chronic ill patients

Date: 22nd September to 27th October 2014 (every Monday, 6 sessions)
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 nn
Venue: Interview room, 1/F., Pok Oi Hospital
Target: Chronic ill patients and relatives
Speaker: Registered Social Worker
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: Please call POH Community Health Center at 2486 8402

Cookery Class and Birthday Celebration (for DM patient)

2014-09-08 – Cookery Class and Birthday Celebration (for DM patient)

Date: 8th September 2013 (Monday)
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue: Well-elderly clinic, 1/F., Pok Oi Hospital
Content: Demonstration of cooking healthy snacks and celebration for the birthday of DM patients
Target: DM patients and relatives in NTWC
Fee: Free of charge (Please bring along a healthy snack for sharing)
Enrollment: 2486 8402 Community Health Centre

"Restful Sleep": Group for chronic ill patients with insomnia

2014-09-03 - 2014-10-15 – "Restful Sleep": Group for chronic ill patients with insomnia

Date: 3rd September to 15th October 2014 (every Wednesday, 6 sessions)
Time: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Venue: Interview room, 1/F., Pok Oi Hospital
Content: Through seminars, exercise, sharing and homework, participants would be able to know more about the skills in developing a good sleep
Speaker: Registered Social Worker, Pharmacist of Pok Oi Hospital, Chinese medicine Practitioner of Chinese Medicine, Pok Oi Hospital
Target: Chronic ill patient of NTWC (aged 18 or above)
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: Please call Community Health Centre at 2486 8402

"Know More about Sleeping Pills" Medication Talk

2014-08-25 – "Know More about Sleeping Pills" Medication Talk

Date: 25th August 2014 (Monday)
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue: Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F., Pok Oi Hospital
Content: (1) Share the knowledge and precautions of using sleeping pills
(2) Share the tips on drug self-management
Speaker: Pharmacist of POH
Target: Elderly patients who are taking or used to take sleeping pills
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: Please call Well Elderly Clinic at 2486 8494

Talk on DM Treatment in Chinese Medicine

2014-08-22 – Talk on DM Treatment in Chinese Medicine

Date: 22nd August 2014 (Friday)
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue: Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F., Pok Oi Hospital
Target: DM patients and relatives in NTWC
Speaker: Registered Chinese medicine practitioner
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: Please call POH Community Health Center at 2486 8402

Talk on oral health care of DM patient

2014-06-16 – Talk on oral health care of DM patient

Date:16th Jun 2014 (Monday)
Time:2:30 - 4:00 pm
Venue:Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Introducing the knowledge and skill of oral health care
Speaker:Nurse from Oral Health Education Unit, Department of Health
Target:DM patient of NTWC
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:2486 8402 Community Health Centre

"Restful Sleep": Group for Chronic ill patients with insomnia

2014-06-04 - 2014-07-09 – "Restful Sleep": Group for Chronic ill patients with insomnia

Date:4th Jun 2014 to 9th Jul 2014 (Every Wednesday, 6 sessions)
Time:10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Venue:Interview room, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Talk on drug counseling
Speaker:Registered Social Worker, Pharmacist of Pok Oi Hospital, Chinese medicine Practitioner of Chinese Medicine, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:Age 18 or above, Chronic ill patient of NTWC
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:2486 8402 Community Health Centre

Pharmacy talk on Osteoporosis

2014-05-19 – Pharmacy talk on Osteoporosis

Date:19th May 2014 (Monday)
Time:2:30 - 4:00 pm
Venue:Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Introducing the knowledge of Osteoporosis
Speaker:Pharmacist of Pok Oi Hospital
Target:General public
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:2486 8402 Community Health Centre

Laughter Yoga exercise class

2014-05-09 - 2014-06-13 – Laughter Yoga exercise class

Date:9th May 2014 to 13th Jun 2014 (Every Friday, 6 sessions)
Time:9:30 am - 10:45 am
Venue:Classroom1&2, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Learning and practicing Laughter Yoga
Speaker:Registered Social Worker
Target:Chronic ill patient of NTWC
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:2486 8402 Community Health Centre

Fall Prevention Talk

2013-12-11 – Fall Prevention Talk

Date:11th December 2013 (Wed)
Time:2:30-4:30 pm
Venue:Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Speaker:Physiotherapist of NTWC
Content: (1) Educational Talk on fall prevention and home safety
(2) Individual screening on fall risk
Registration:Please call 2486 8494 (Well Elderly Clinic, POH)

Health Talk on Influenza Vaccine

2013-12-10 – Health Talk on Influenza Vaccine

Date:10th December 2013 (Tue)
Time:2:30-4:30 pm
Venue:Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Speaker:Pharmacist of Pok Oi Hospital
Content: (1) Health Talk on Seasonal Influenza Vaccine & Pneumococcal Vaccine
(2) Introduce Government Vaccination Programme (GVP) 2013/14
Registration:Please call 2486 8402 (Community Health Centre, Pok Oi Hospital)

Workshop for Chronic disease patient

2013-10-05 – Workshop for Chronic disease patient

Date:5th Oct 2013 (Saturday)
Time:10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Venue:Well-elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Sharing of suffering and joy in facing chronic disease
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:2486 8402 Community Health Centre

Health Talk on Pain Treatment – all about medicine

2013-09-26 – Health Talk on Pain Treatment – all about medicine

Date:26th Sept 2013 (Thursday)
Time:2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Venue:Auditorium, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content:Talk on drug counseling
Speaker:Pharmacist of Pok Oi Hospital
Fee:Free of charge
Enrollment:2486 8402 Community Health Centre

Health Talk on Glaucoma

2013-09-23 – Health Talk on Glaucoma

Date:23rd September 2013 (Monday)
Time:2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue:Activity Room, Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:Elderly Patients
Fee:Free of Charge
Registration:2486 8494 (Well Elderly Clinic)

Health Talk on Pain treatment in Chinese medicine

2013-08-26 – Health Talk on Pain treatment in Chinese medicine

Date:26th August 2013 (Monday)
Time:2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue:Auditorium, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:General public, staff and volunteer
Speaker:Chinese medicine practitioner
Fee:Free of Charge
Registration:Please call 2486 8402 (POH Community Health Center)

Handicraft class (Making of bead lanterns)

2013-08-07 – Handicraft class (Making of bead lanterns)

Date:7th August 2013 (Wednesday)
Time:2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue:Activity Room, Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Fee:Free of Charge
Registration:2486 8494 (Well Elderly Clinic)

Health Talk on Seasonal dietary advice in Chinese medicine

2013-05-27 – Health Talk on Seasonal dietary advice in Chinese medicine

Date: 27th May 2013 (Monday)
Time: 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Venue: Auditorium, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Target: General public, staff and volunteer
Speaker: Chinese medicine practitioner
Fee: Free of Charge
Registration: Please call 2486 8402 (POH Community Health Center)

Health Talk on Diabetic Retinopathy

2013-04-15 – Health Talk on Diabetic Retinopathy

Date:15th April 2013 (Monday)
Time:2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Venue:Activity Room, Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:Elderly Patients
Fee:Free of Charge
Registration:Please call 2486 8494 (Well Elderly Clinic)

Health Talk on Age-related Macular Degeneration

2013-03-18 – Health Talk on Age-related Macular Degeneration

Date:18th March 2013 (Monday)
Time:2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue:Activity Room, Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Target:Elderly Patients
Fee:Free of Charge
Registration:2486 8494 (Well Elderly Clinic)

DM patient and blood pressure control – all about medicine

2013-02-25 – DM patient and blood pressure control – all about medicine

Date: 25th Feb 2013 (Monday)
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Venue: Well elderly clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: Talk on drug counseling
Fee: Free of charge
Enrollment: 2486 8402 Community Health Centre

Celebration for lunar new year and birthday (for DM patient)

2013-01-22 – Celebration for lunar new year and birthday (for DM patient)

Date: 22th Jan 2013 (Tuesday)
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue: Interview room, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Content: Making Chinese red banner and paper cutting decoration, celebration for new year and birthday of DM patients
Target: DM patients in NTWC
Fee: Free of charge (Please bring healthy snack food for sharing)
Enrollment: 2486 8402 Community Health Centre

POH Christmas caroling - Recruitment of music performer activity

2012-12-20 – POH Christmas caroling - Recruitment of music performer activity

Date: 20th Dec 2012 (Thursday)
Time: 09:30 am - 11:30 am
Venue: G/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Performance: Instrumental playing, singing performance
Performer: Staff and volunteer in NTWC
2486 8402 Community Health Centre

Health Talk on Diabetic Retinopathy

2012-12-17 – Health Talk on Diabetic Retinopathy

Date: 17 December 2012 (Monday)
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Venue: Activity Room, Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Target: Elderly Patients
Speaker: Optometrist
Fee: Free of Charge
Registration: Please call 2486 8494 (Well Elderly Clinic)

Smart tips for anti-depressant – Talk & workshop

2012-12-14 – Smart tips for anti-depressant – Talk & workshop

Speaker: Pharmacist of POH, Social worker of CHC
Collaboration: Community Health Centre and Pharmacy Department of POH
Date: 14 December 2012 (Friday)
Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 nn
Venue: Well elderly clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Target: Patient in anti-depressant, general public
Fee: Free of Charge
Registration: Please call 2486 8402 (Community health center of POH)

Fall Prevention Talk

2012-12-12 – Fall Prevention Talk

Date: 12 December 2012 (Wed)
Time: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Venue: Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Speaker: Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist
Content: 1. Educational Talk on fall prevention and home safety
2. Individual Screening on fall risk
Registration: Please call 2486 8494 (Well Elderly Clinic, POH)

Talk on Influenza Vaccination

2012-12-05 – Talk on Influenza Vaccination

Speaker: Pharmacist of POH, Social worker of CHC
Collaboration: Community Health Centre and Pharmacy Department of POH
Date: 5 December 2012 (Wednesday)
Time: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Venue: Well elderly clinic, 1/F, Pok Oi Hospital
Target: Patient, relatives, hospital volunteer, staff and general publicFee: Free of Charge
Registration: Please call 2486 8402 (Community health center of POH)

Medication Talk on Pain Relieving Drug and Anti-depressant (For Elderly Patients)

2012/11/14, 2012/11/26 – Medication Talk on Pain Relieving Drug and Anti-depressant (For Elderly Patients)

Collaborating Party: Well Elderly Clinic and Pharmacy Department, POH

Activity 1: Pain Relieving Drug

Date: 14th Nov 2012 (Wed)
Time: 2:30-4:30p.m.
Venue: Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, POH
Target: Elderly Patients
Speaker: Pharmacist
Fee: Free of Charge
Registration: Please call 2486 8494 (Well Elderly Clinic of POH)

Activity 2: Anti-depressant

Date: 26th Nov 2012 (Mon)
Time: 2:30-4:30p.m.
Venue: Well Elderly Clinic, 1/F, POH
Target: Elderly Patients
Speaker: Pharmacist
Fee: Free of Charge
Registration: Please call 2486 8494 (Well Elderly Clinic of POH)

Visit to Pok Oi Hospital by the YLDC - Culture, Recreation, Community Service and Housing Committee

2012-02-24 – Visit to Pok Oi Hospital by the YLDC - Culture, Recreation, Community Service and Housing Committee

A visit to Pok Oi Hospital by the Culture, Recreation, Community Service and Housing Committee under the Yuen Long District Council (YLDC) was conducted on 24 February 2012. They visited the New Territories West Breast Services Centre, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Out-Patient Clinic, Community Health Centre, Pre-assessment Services unit and Day Surgery Unit. During the visit, in-charge of each unit introduced their services and facilities, which enhanced the understanding of the members towards the operation of the units. Members opined that the visit enhanced their understanding towards the hospital and they showed appreciation of the work of our clinical staff.

Visit to patients by Pok Oi Hospital Board Of Directors

2011-12-23 – Visit to patients by Pok Oi Hospital Board Of Directors

On 23 December 2011, Pok Oi Hospital Board of Directors and Hospital Chief Executive, together with Catholic Pastoral Care Unit, Christian Hospital Chaplaincy, Santa Claus and volunteers performed Christmas caroling in Medical & Geriatic Wards on 5/F. They delivered greeting cards and small gifts to thank staff for their dedication in caring for patients, and cared and gave blessings to patients.

Media interview - survey program on elderly depression, IMPACT

2011/11 – Media interview - survey program on elderly depression, IMPACT

Pok Oi Hospital Outpatient Clinic introduced the survey program on elderly depression, IMPACT, where elderly over 60 years old who attended Family Medicine Clinic was provided depression assessment. Dr J Liang, Cluster Coordinator was interviewed on the Program by nine local newspapers, and the interview was released on 21 November 2011. Metroradio and TVB program "東張西望" also interviewed Dr Liang on 16 November and 24 November 2011 respectively. The Program was launched two years ago, which assessed the emotion of elderly who visited Family Medicine Clinic via specially designed questionnaire, as well as followed up and arranged referrals where necessary. New Territories West Cluster was considering to expand the Program to cover the rest of the 9 Clinics in Cluster.

Green Pok Oi Hospital

2011-09-08 – Green Pok Oi Hospital

Pok Oi Hospital had been committed to green and environmental protection activities. In the past years, various measures and activities on energy saving and waste reducing were implemented. The achievements of the hospital were recognized by the Asian Hospital Management Asia (AHMA) Award 2011. Energy saving programs of POH were awarded the "Excellent Awards (EA): Cost Reduction" and "Excellent Awards (EA):Bio Medical Equipment / Facilities Improvement Project".

Media interview - Early Arthritis Clinic

2011/05 to 2011/08 – Media interview - Early Arthritis Clinic

On 9 May 2011, a media interview on Early Arthritis Clinic was conducted by TVB. The interview was released in the news at 6:30 pm on TVB channel on the following day, covering the service of Early Arthritis Clinic, the cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis, and interview of doctor. Moreover, Dr C C Mok, who was in charge of Pok Oi Hospital Rheumatology Assessment Centre was interviewed by five well-known local newspapers on 21 July 2011. The interview covered Early Arthritis Clinic, causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc. ATV also interviewed Dr Mok and his patients regarding the cause and effect of Rheumatoid Arthritis on 23 August 2011.

Health talk for Ethnic Minorities

2011-03-19 – Health talk for Ethnic Minorities

To enhance the understanding of ethnic minorities residents towards hospital services as well as basic knowledge on first aid, two sessions of health talks were organized on 19 March 2011, with on-site interpretation, for Nepali and Pakistani participants. The talks started off with the welcoming speech by Hospital Chief Executive; followed by a talk on minor injuries delivered by Advanced Practice Nurse of Accident & Emergency Department. Topics like handling of minor injuries, Patient Charter, which increased the knowledge of participants on patient’s rights and responsibilities, communication between patients and health services staff as well as effectiveness of health case services were covered. After the talk, basic health checkings were arranged for participating families. There was also a health information exhibition. This event was well-received by participants. The support from NGOs also contributed to the success of this event, who had helped to set up the games booths and cared for the children of the participating families. Lastly, all participants were arranged to visit the Ethnic Minorities Corner at Community Health Centre.

Media interview - Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Surgery

2011-02-21 – Media interview - Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Surgery

On 21 February 2011, numerous newspapers covered reports on the minimal invasive surgery technology using the Transaxillary approach, which was first introduced by Pok Oi Hospital from Korea in 2009. This technology was applied to Thyroidectomy Surgery, which would minimize the scar of wound and reduced the chance of post-operative complications of traditional surgery, enhancing the quality of life of patients. Patients who had undergone this surgery remarked at the interview with press that they were very satified with the result of the surgery. The incision of surgery was small, leaving a wound of around 5mm only, which was not easily noticed. Also, the recovery time was short, which facilitated their early return to normal life and work.

Opening Ceremony of the Breast Services Centre, New Territories West Cluster

2010-12-03 – Opening Ceremony of the Breast Services Centre, New Territories West Cluster

The Opening Ceremony of the Breast Services Centre, New Territories West Cluster was officiated by Ms Sally Lo, Founder and Chief Executive of Hong Kong Cancer Fund and Mr Wong Fan Foung, Chairman of Pok Oi Hospital Governing Committee on 3 Dec 2010.

Opening Ceremony of the Wai Yin Association Ambulatory Gynaecology Centre

2008-06-12 – Opening Ceremony of the Wai Yin Association Ambulatory Gynaecology Centre

The Opening Ceremony of the Wai Yin Association Ambulatory Gynaecology Centre of the Pok Oi Hospital was officiated by Ms Ellen Wong, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Wai Yin Association; Mr Leung Che Cheung, MH, Chairman, Yuen Long District Council; Mr Lam Kwok Hing, Chairman, Hospital Governing Committee, Pok Oi Hospital; Dr Albert Lo, Cluster Chief Executive, New Territories West Cluster and Dr T W Lee, Hospital Chief Executive, Pok Oi Hospital on 12 June 2008.

The Grand Opening Ceremony of the Pok Oi Hospital New Building

2008-02-14 – The Grand Opening Ceremony of the Pok Oi Hospital New Building

The Grand Opening Ceremony of the Pok Oi Hospital New Building was officiated by The Honourable Donald Tsang, GBM, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on 14 February 2008. Guests who attended the Ceremony also included Dr the Honourable York Chow, SBS, JP, Secretary for Food and Health; Mr Anthony Wu, JP, Chairman of Hospital Authority and Mr Shane Solomon, Chief Executive of Hospital Authority.