KWH/WTSH Sectoral Awards

KWH Wastewise Label

WTSH Wastewise Label

WTSH Carbon Less Certificate

KWH/WTSH Caring Organization

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Dr. Nelson WAT, Hospital Chief Executive, KWH and WTSH

I am honoured to release our Environmental Report 11/12. Kwong Wah Hospital is the first public hospital to obtain an ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management System in Facility Management Department.   We are committed to fulfilling our pledge to continue to work towards environmental sustainability while delivering quality health care services to the public.

Kwong Wah Hospital and TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital are part of the community.  While delivering quality health care to the public, we are also committed to protecting our environment by initiating a series of concrete "green" actions under the Environmental Management System.  Local daily pollutant emitted and various wastes generated are more than 400 times than the tiny land can sustain.  Every organization and company should provide intensive care for all significant environmental aspects generated from their operations before it becomes too late for the environment to recover. We believe that Environmental Management System is the right prescription to treat and restore the deteriorated state of our environment. People cannot be healthy without a healthy environment.  With continuous improvement in mind, let us take action to protect our environment, and leave something for our future and our next generation. I am pleased to announce the environmental awards to the hospitals this year:  Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) and TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital (WTSH) have successfully granted the Caring Organisation by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Sustainability Initiative for the Year by RICS Hong Kong Property Awards, as well as Carbon Less Certificate and Class of Excellence Wastewi$e Labels by Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence. This clearly demonstrates our commitment to environmental protection and waste reduction. We shall continue our effort in maintaining KWH and WTSH as green hospitals.  We are determined to continually enhance our green performance in any way that we can.Your invaluable green input will be much appreciated.

Dr. Nelson WAT
Hospital Chief Executive
Kwong Wah Hospital & TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital

Dr. Nelson WAT



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