Page 117 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 117

Service Enhancement Presentations

                F1.4      Better Manage Growing Demands                                    10:45  Room 421

               Pilot Service of Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics at Hospital Front Door Programme
               Choi WKG, Leung LFT, Ng PCA, Yiu HHS, Au LYF
               Occupational Therapy Department, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong
               Introduction                                                                                        HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018
               High medical inpatient occupancy rate persisted in Prince of Wales Hospital especially during winter surge. In March 2017,
               Occupational Therapy Department collaborated with Acute Care of Elderly unit (ACE) to provide Geriatrics at Hospital Front
               Door service (GFD) in order to promote early and safe supported discharge of elderly patients in Accident and Emergency
               Department (AED)/Emergency Medical Ward (EMW).

               (1) To screen patients in AED to prevent avoidable admissions;
               (2) to enable early and safe supported discharge from AED/EMW; and
               (3) to support “Through Train Service” in both AED and ACE in assessment and essential urgent service for discharge.
               In mid of February 2017, discussion was made on GFD and Community Rapid Response Team Service (CRRT) by the hospital
               management, Medical Officer in-charge, Nursing Consultants, and Department Heads of Allied Health (AH). The logistics of
               the pilot service by AH was developed rapidly in early March 2017. After reviewing the service need for geriatric OT service,
               five groups of elderly patients were selected for this OT pilot service. They were patients with cardio-pulmonary diseases,
               aspiration pneumonia, high risk of pressure injury or bed-chair bounded, recent fall incident as well as cognitive impairment.
               Elderly patients aged 65 or above under medical care in AED/EMW would be screened by geriatric nurse and those indicated
               for OT as the criteria mentioned above would be referred to us immediately. OT would conduct screening assessment in AED/  Monday, 7 May 2018
               EMW, provided interventions accordingly and home visit after discharge. Occupational Therapists started its pilot service for
               GFD on 13 March 2017 and ended it on 31 March 2017. All together 15-working day service was provided.

               30.77% of the elderly patients from both AED and EMW referred for OT in this pilot project could be discharged home directly.
               13 patients were included in this pilot service and they had history of fall, cardio-pulmonary diseases, cognitive impairment,
               or pressure injury. OT provided immediate assessment and related interventions in AED/EMW accordingly. Nine patients
               were eventually transferred to Shatin Hospital for further management while four of them could be discharged home directly.
               Three of them required OT home visit and we could provide it within three working days post discharge. The majority of OT
               interventions included care-giver education, fall prevention, coordinated breathing and energy conservation techniques for
               ADL, and home safety advice.

               All patients and caregivers showed their appreciation to OT intervention. They found the coping skills learnt were very useful
               and applicable. Onsite training and advice were highly relevant and easily understood by care-givers compared with the
               centre-based training. In the near future, OT would like to be in line with ACE to expand the service in GFD in order to meet
               the up-growing demand.

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