Page 66 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 66

Service Enhancement Presentations

             F5.4      Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations                    09:00  Room 421

            Mobile Apps to Streamline Ward Round Across Seven Clusters
            Law MH , Cheung NT , Pang YW , Chan JKY , Kwan PY , Ho WH , Lau TF , Tung KW , Wong L  2
            1            2
             Clinical System,  Clinical Management Systems Team 4: Clinical Management System and Application Architecture, Information
            Technology and Health Informatics Division, Hospital Authoruty Head Office, Hong Kong
            Clinical staff is mobile to perform various medical activities in bedsides, cubicles, wards, operation theatre and outpatient
            settings, etc. However, patient health information is now captured and stored in an immovable Clinical Management System
            accessible only in workstations. Mobile technology is long wished to improve current situation.
            Since July 2016, the handy device iPad installed with in-house applications has now been piloted for accessing and editing
            patient health data at the point of care. The Clinical Management System (CMS) apps include: (1) laboratory result; (2)
            radiology result; (3) IPMOE history enquiry; (4) IPMOE prescribing; (5) Corp allergy; (6) personal memo and memo viewer; and (7)
            clinical note viewer. With Wi-Fi coverage, clinicians can view laboratory report, radiology image, inpatient prescription history
            and clinical notes anywhere at the hospital. The apps which link to CMS workstation facilitate doctors to prescribe and draft
            notes at their fingertips.
            To provide enquiry of clinical data at the point of care; (2) to support remote care.

            Seven mobile apps were developed for iOS device and piloted in hospitals from seven clusters with the following main
            (1)  Laboratory result – allows corporate enquiry of the most up-to-date laboratory report.
            (2)  Radiology result – caters image viewing at bedside when the “COWS” are oversized to small cubicle
            (3)  IPMOE history enquiry – supports viewing of inpatient drug profile
            (4)  IPMOE prescribing – allows medication ordering during ward rounding
            (5)  Corp allergy – facilitates corporate enquiry of patient’s life-long allergy record
            (6)  Personal memo – supports short note drafting at bedside
            (7)  Integrated clinical note viewer  – provides a consolidated view of various kinds of clinical note created by different
                disciplines such as clinicians, nurses and allied health colleagues.

            Utilisation and feedback from seven clusters are collected for evaluation. A healthy and increasing trend of use was noted
            since launch.
      Wednesday, 17 May  gradually increase across hospitals. More than 56,000 accesses of apps was noted since launch. 8,090 active user have
            At the moment, around 2,640 iOS devices with clinical apps installed have joined the pilot and the number of devices will
            logged in the apps, indicating 56,000 travels to CMS workstation to access patient data are avoided. Time is saved for more
            important clinical care activity. In general, we receive positive feedbacks from pilot users.
            This greatly transforms and streamlines the patient management process. Patient health data is accessible at bedside that
            enables clinical staff to have better and efficient time use on direct patient care instead of getting access to workstation.
            Turnaround time is saved, which benefits the workflow in busy ward round.
            In coming future, more CMS functions such as clinical notes and procedure records in mobile version will be available in
            market for more comprehensive patient record at the point of care.

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