Page 75 - HA Convention 2015
P. 75
Plenary Sessions
P4.1 Teamwork and Innovation 16:15 Convention Hall B
Redesigning Care to Assure the National Affordability of Cutting Edge Therapies Monday, 18 May
Milstein A
Department of Medicine, Stanford University, USA
The continual prosperity of industrialised countries increasingly hinges on more rapidly discovering innovations that generate
better health with fewer resources. New vaccines, diagnostic tests, medical devices and public health policies may help
but cannot be wholly depended upon to equitably align health spending growth with growth in GDP. Stanford’s Clinical
Excellence Research Center (CERC) is mobilising distinguished scientists and young minds to design and demonstrate new
methods of care delivery that provide more with less.
Our effort to improve the value of care begins with combining high value care delivery methods used by global exemplars of
value into coherent bundles that target clinical conditions or service categories such as surgery.
We then add features drawn from emerging science and technology, and by addressing patients’ and clinicians’ most
strongly felt unmet personal needs after new care models are selected for demonstration, CERC teams help with
implementation, refinement and evaluation of their impact. We work with a national network of 12 healthcare systems to test,
refine and measure impact.
To ease the adoption of new clinical workflow, we collaborate with Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Laboratory and
Stanford’s Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Sciences. Tests of seven new care bundles and four different uses of
AI are now underway.
P4.2 Teamwork and Innovation 16:15 Convention Hall B
Working with Surgeon — Team Dynamics in Operating Theatre
The Pain Specialist, Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore
Multidisciplinary team work is absolutely pertinent in the success for the care of any patient. This is especially seen in the
care of any patient in the dynamics between a surgeon and anaesthetist, and the various staff including nurses, attendants
and vendors.
In this talk, the various critical points on the importance of working dynamics and professional relationships in the care of
patients in operating theatre, in order to achieve an optimal outcome will be illustrated.