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HKSAR CE visits Infectious Disease Centre | 特首訪傳染病中心 (10-04-2013)
Exercise Sapphire | 藍寶石演習 (10-04-2013)
HA delegation visits Guangdong Health Department | 醫管局代表團訪問廣東省衞生廳 (09-04-2013)
HA and HKSAR govt representatives lay wreaths at Gallant Garden | 醫管局及特區政府代表往浩園向殉職醫護人員獻花 (27-03-2013)
Unveiling of the Truebeam Linear Accelerator System | 速光放射治療系統啟用禮 (20-03-2013)
CE commended the HA support team deployed to support the families of the Egyptian hot balloon incident | 支援埃及事故小組 獲梁栢賢讚揚 (14-03-2013)