The 12th Joint Meeting of Senior Health Officials of the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao | 第十二屆內地、香港、澳門生行政高層聯席會議 (05-12-2013)
Enhanced Home Renal Replacement Therapy Programme – Sharing Session & “Thank the Donor” Ceremony | 醫院管理局家居透析計劃分享會暨感謝大會 (28-09-2013)
MOU signed between HA & Singapore MOH Holdings、HA Chairman meets Minister for Health, Singapore, Mr Gan Kim Yong | 醫管局與新加坡衛生機構簽署合作備忘錄、醫管局主席與新加坡衛生部長顏金勇會面 (15-04-2013)
HA and HKSAR govt representatives lay wreaths at Gallant Garden | 醫管局及特區政府代表往浩園向殉職醫護人員獻花 (27-03-2013)
CE commended the HA support team deployed to support the families of the Egyptian hot balloon incident | 支援埃及事故小組 獲梁栢賢讚揚 (14-03-2013)
HA awarded in “Take a Brake – Corporate Green Driving Award Scheme (2013)” | 醫院管理局榮獲 “「放駕一天」- 企業綠色駕駛獎勵計劃(2013)” 奬項 (29-01-2013)