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Outstanding Staff and Teams Award | 傑出員工及團隊奬 (16-05-2013)
HA Convention 2013 | 2013年醫管局研討大會 (15-05-2013)
MOU signed between HA & Singapore MOH Holdings、HA Chairman meets Minister for Health, Singapore, Mr Gan Kim Yong | 醫管局與新加坡衛生機構簽署合作備忘錄、醫管局主席與新加坡衛生部長顏金勇會面 (15-04-2013)
Chairman visits Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital | 主席訪東區醫院為同事打氣 (14-04-2013)
Chairman visits Tuen Mun Hospital | 主席訪屯門醫院為同事打氣 (13-04-2013)
Topping Out Ceremony of Wai Ming Block at Caritas Medical Centre | 明愛醫院懷明樓平頂禮 (11-04-2013)