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Dietetic service is one of the allied health services. It provides nutrition therapy and education as part of prevention and treatment of diseases. Patients who require dietetic service are referred by HA doctors.

Scope of Service

Nutrition Therapy

Regulating energy and nutrient intake in diet could help control clinical symptoms, reduce risk of complications and enhance recovery after surgeries or pharmaceutical interventions.
Clinical conditions which require nutrition therapies include : diabetes, renal disease, liver disease, high blood lipids, hypertension, underweight or overweight, gastrointestinal disease, gout, malnutrition, eating disorder etc.

Nutrition Counseling

Dietitians assess nutritional status of individual patients and estimate their nutrient requirements and give individualized meal plan.
Diet sheets, recipes and food models are used to facilitate better understanding of their meal plan.

Hospital Diet

Dietitians arrange hospital diet or tube feeding regimen for in-patients with swallowing difficulties, diarrhoea, oesophageal obstruction, poor appetite or in coma to fulfil their nutrient requirements.

Nutrition Screening

Sufficient nutrient intake is essential to reduce risk of complications and facilitate rehabilitation for long-stay in-patients. Nutrition screening can identify malnourished in-patients to provide them with early nutrition support.

Nutrition Education

Patients need to maintain adequate nutrition and balanced diets after discharge. Elderly, patients with chronic illnesses and their carers need to grasp the knowledge of nutrition therapy and relevant nutrition information. Dietitians give regular nutrition lessons to keep them updated.

Service Hours

Monday to Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm
2:00pm to 5:30pm
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday Closed

Contact Us

Telephone: 2486 8111