HA staff survey calls for more communication and appreciation

The Human Resources Division of HA Head Office conducted an HA-wide staff survey last year and the result was released recently. Around 20,000 staff responded and key results reveal that colleagues are loyal to HA; and that HA provides an environment conducive to maximising staff’s skills and abilities, in turn facilitating the delivery of high quality services.

HA staff survey calls for more communication and appreciation

‘Quality & Patient Focus’ and ‘Resources’ are dimensions receiving the highest marks. However, there is room for improvement in the areas of ‘Communication’ as well as ‘Respect & Recognition’. In particular, Generation Y, nurses and non-care-related supporting staff expressed concerns that need our attention.

Management has reviewed the survey findings and formulated an action plan. Some key initiatives include:

• Establishing ‘Young Achiever Award’ under ‘Outstanding Staff and Teams Award’ since 2018 to recognise young colleagues with good performance.

• Conducting Campus Talk for students who are interested in joining HA for early engagement and brand building of HA.

• Launching a new stream of Executive Partnership Programme and Inter-cluster study visits this year for young nurses to enhance communication, share experience, engage stakeholders and build network.

• Enhancing training and development and career advancement opportunities for Executive Assistant and Clerical Grade staff by phases starting from 2018/19.

Check out cluster follow up actions at: http://ha.home/ho/hr/survey/HR_survey_EN.html.


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