From the editor
With two months of poor weather conditions and daily news reports on the rising number of H7N9 avian influenza infections, many people are voicing concerns over the possibility of another outbreak of SARS or a similar pandemic. This issue’s cover story looks at Hospital Authority’s initiatives to ensure it is well prepared to combat this threat should it become a reality. We also thank the colleague at Queen Elizabeth Hospital who demonstrates in the cover photo the proper personal protection equipment that medical staff should wear in high-risk patient areas1 or when performing aerosol-generating procedures in hospitals.
The H7N9 risk also brings back sad memories of the tragic loss of six HA frontline heroes in the brave battle to defeat the deadly 2003 SARS outbreak in Hong Kong. With the selfless HA family ready to step up again should the need arise, ‘SARS experience puts HA ona learning curve’ on page 6 provides a summary ofthe epidemic protection measures HA has put in place to protect its staff since the dark days of 2003.
The dedication and devotion of HA healthcare workers is indisputably a vital part of successfully handling any large-scale medical emergency. But this passion to serve is not limited to the workplace or Hong Kong. Many of our colleagues volunteer their time and expertise to support social development initiatives or offer assistance to communities in need. The story of our colleagues’ continuing efforts to help victims of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake rebuild their lives begins on page 12.
Spring is upon us – bringing the promise of new beginnings and renewed hope. But no matter the season, the HA team stands ready to help the community and promote improved well-being and good health for all.
Note 1 High-risk patient areas refer to triage stations of out-patient clinics, Designated Flu Clinics and Accident & Emergency department; and isolation rooms for suspected or confirmed novel influenza patients.